
Centrul pentru politici și analize în sănătate

TB-REP 2.0: Promovarea îngrijirii de calitate TB centrate pe necesitățile persoanelor - de la noul model de îngrijire spre îmbunătățirea detectării precoce a TB-DR și a rezultatelor tratamentului

  • March 2025
Implementatori de granturi mici

In 2019, the Center for Health Policies and Studies (PAS Center) invited civil society organizations from the 11 countries included in the EECA regional Program “Advancing People-Centered Quality TB Care – From the New Model of Care Towards Improving DR-TB Early Detection and Treatment Outcomes” to apply for three types of small grants: 

Based on submitted proposals, 12 grants focused on the three announced priority areas have been awarded for Year 1 of project implementation to organizations from the 11 Program countries and are continued through the second year of implementation. In 2020 and 2021, new partners joined the partners’ network in implementing following small grants:

Small grant type 1:

Small grant type 2:

Small grant type 3:

Moldova National Association of TB Patients "SMIT" is a non-governmental organization that supports people affected by tuberculosis and their families. Founded in 2011, SMIT calls for an inclusive and equitable public health system, safeguards the rights of people affected by tuberculosis and promotes People Centered Care. Its mission is: to assist and contribute to the development of civic activism for the social, material, psychological and legal support of people with TB; carry out actions to support and promote public participation in health decision making; encourage cooperation between health, civil society, government and business community representatives for national health response.

TB-REP 2.0 country grant

The project implemented by SMIT under TB-REP 2.0 is aimed at advocating and fortifying the joint efforts between civil society and health services to ensure acceptable people-centered care, by (i) ensuring visibility of people centered care at community level through partnerships with mass-media, launch of health corners in target rayons’ libraries and documentation of patients’ stories for advocacy purpose, (ii) empowering TB CSOs to deliver comprehensive people support through partnerships with NTP and development of a comprehensive guidance for NGOs service provision.

TB-REP 2.0 country grant contact information

Alexandru Rucsineanu

Program Director

Tel.: +37379917646


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TBpeopleUkraine is a charity organization that work in TB and HIV/AIDS control field, influencing the development and implementation of national and regional policies, and improving TB treatment conditions and protecting the rights and interests of patients. TBpeolpeUkraine brings together a powerful community of TB patients and people not indifferent to this issue in Ukraine. The organization has more than 300 members today and caries out activities in 11 out of 24 regions of Ukraine.    

TB-REP 2.0 country grant

The project implemented by TBpeopleUkraine under TB-REP 2.0 is aimed at strengthening the role of community affected by TB in monitoring the quality of treatment and social support services, by (i) promoting the OneImpact application among TB patient in all 24 regions of Ukraine, (ii) technically supporting the rapid response mechanism for the violations of TB patients’ rights receiving treatment and social support services and (iii)
developing and disseminating the country report with the results of monitoring the violations of TB patients’ rights receiving treatment and social support service.

TB-REP 2.0 country grant contact information

Оlga Klymenko

Chairman of the Board

Tel.: +380676850140


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The ALE “Kazakhstan Union of People Living with HIV” (KazSoyuz of PLHIV) brings together 20 non-governmental, community organizations created by people living with HIV and their families, who joined in 2005 to develop long-term cooperation with the government, civil society and business sectors of the Republic of Kazakhstan in providing PLHIV and their families with a decent quality of life, including access to quality services for the HIV and TB prevention, treatment, care and support.

TB-REP 2.0 country grant

The project implemented by KazSoyuz PLWH within the framework of TB-REP 2.0 is aimed at identifying barriers to early detection of TB cases among key populations, as well as timely provision of TB care and treatment, by (i) developing and coordinating with national and international partners the barriers assessing tool, (ii) conducting the assessing in 2 regions of Kazakhstan, (iii) developing the assessment results report with specific suggestions and recommendations for removing barriers, including conclusions and recommendations for revision of policies and programs targeted at identifying obstacles in all four dimensions: gender, law and human rights, key and priority groups stigma and (iv) disseminating barriers assessment results and facilitating dialogue between stakeholders.

TB-REP 2.0 country grant contact information

Oxana Ibragimova

Project Director

Tel.: + 7 777 390 1567



Kadyrbaeva Aigul

Program coordinator

Tel.: + 7 777 2620053


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The NGO “Ishonch va Hayot. Hope and Life”, is an association of people living with HIV (PLHIV), founded in 2003, which is managed by the community of vulnerable populations. The NGO is actively implementing care programs for HIV and TB patients, protects human rights, stands for gender equality. The organization’s mission is to provide comprehensive support for PLWA and their families, improve the quality of their life, fight stigma/discrimination and actively participate in controlling the HIV epidemic in Uzbekistan.

TB-REP 2.0 country grant

The project implemented by the NGO “Ishonch va Hayot. Hope and Life” under TB-REP 2.0, is aimed at capacity strengthening of the PLHIV to support and expand people-centered TB care and awareness raising on COVID-19 in Tashkent city. This task is to be achieved by increasing the knowledge of the PLHIV on TB issues: prevention, diagnosis, adherence and retention in treatment, as well as information activities and increasing adherence to TB prevention and treatment among PLHIV.

TB-REP 2.0 country grant contact information

Viktoria Ashirova

HIV/TB Programs Coordinator, Project Manager

Tel.: +998 90 3572698


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TB Research and Prevention Center NGO (TBRPC) is an organization established in 2012 with the purpose to improve TB care system in Armenia through research and evidence generation. Operational research became the cornerstone of the TBRPC work in any field, which helps with quick and targeted decision making based on scientific evidence. TBRPC vision started with improvement of the Armenian Health Care System for better care provision to TB patients. Currently, their efforts are focused towards improvement of health systems across the world covering priority health problems.

TB-REP 2.0 country grant

The project implemented by TBRPC under TB-REP 2.0 is aimed at identifying and addressing the barriers on community, rights, gender and stigma dimensions of TB response (CRG) for strengthening strategies in finding people who are missed by health system, by (i) engaging decision makers and relevant stakeholders in the process of CRG assessment on TB in Armenia, (ii) identifying and addressing the barriers related to community, rights, gender and stigma that people with TB have and (iii) developing concrete recommendations and contribute to the action plan, for eliminating outlined barriers.

TB-REP 2.0 country grant contact information

Hayk Davtyan,



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The Positive People Armenian Network is a social NGO established in 2006 that focus on advocacy, empowerment and care and support services provision for people living with HIV/AIDS, TB and Viral Hepatitis. The mission of the organization is to build a society where people living with HIV, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis will feel as equal member and will not fear speaking about their status.

TB-REP 2.0 country grant

The project implemented by Positive People Armenian Network under TB-REP 2.0 is aimed at strengthening the bridge between civil society and health services in view of ensure the quality of people-centered TB care, by (i) advocating with national stakeholders to improve patient support services that are necessary to help people with TB to initiate and complete their treatment, via promotion of social contracting mechanisms, including cooperation with the Members of Parliament, to ensure psycho-social support by CSOs/community organizations for TB patients at the ambulatory treatment, and promotion of sustainable models of the patients’ incentives to prevent catastrophic costs and ensure treatment adherence, and (ii) increasing operational role of CSOs and improving interactions between frontline health and social service workers.

TB-REP 2.0 country grant contact information

Anahit Harutyunyan


Tel.: +37495 000560


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‘’New Vector’’ is a community-based organization for drug users established in 2006 in Georgia aiming at improving access to programs on tuberculosis and Hepatitis B and C prevention and treatment. The organization is one of the main provider of harm reduction, medical and social programs, while also playing an important role in the development of drug policy and health policy in the country through the development of activist resource and community mobilization.

TB-REP 2.0 country grant

The project implemented by GeNPUD ‘’New Vector’’ under TB-REP 2.0 is aimed at identifying and addressing the barriers on community, rights, gender and stigma dimensions of TB response (CRG) for strengthening strategies in finding people who are missed by health system, by (i) engaging decision makers and relevant stakeholders in the process of CRG assessment on TB in Georgia, (ii) identifing and addressing the barriers related to community, rights, gender and stigma that people with TB have and (iii) developing concrete recommendations and contribute to the implementation of the action plan, for eliminating outlined barriers.

TB-REP 2.0 country grant contact information

Konstantine Labartkava

Executive director


Mariam Jibuti

Research Coordinator



Lia Beritashvili



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The republican public association “Defeat Tuberculosis Together” was established in 2013 as an organization that represent the interests of people affected by tuberculosis. The goal of the organization is to provide comprehensive assistance and support to people diagnosed with TB, people that had TB, members of their families, including for their optimal social adaptation.

TB-REP 2.0 country grant

The project implemented by the association “Defeat Tuberculosis Together” under TB-REP 2.0 is aimed at increasing the participation of the community of people affected by tuberculosis in national and regional level TB control activities via the use of OneImpact mobile application on community-based monitoring. The main objectives are focused on (i) developing and supporting a mechanism for coordination and joint planning of community-based monitoring activities using a customized application, (ii) ensuring the application functionality to promote high-quality modern approaches for TB prevention, diagnosis and treatment and generate demand for this services, (iii) ensuring wide use of the mobile application by people in TB treatment, and (iv) creating enabling environment for the introduction of innovative component in the TB national monitoring and evaluation system.

TB-REP 2.0 country grant contact information

Natalia Kryshtafovich

Chair of the Board

Tel.: +37495 000560


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“Saglamliga Khidmat” Ictimai birliyi is a civil society organization established in 2010 that is contributing to the fight against TB in Azerbaijan. The mission of “Saglamliga Khidmat” Ictimai birliyi is to improve access to quality TB treatment countrywide and strengthen TB management by increasing access to adequate TB and TB/HIV diagnosis, treatment and care via high level decision-making advocacy on TB issues and barriers and promotion of community-based and people-centered support.

TB-REP 2.0 country grant

The project implemented by “Saglamliga Khidmat” Ictimai birliyi under TB-REP 2.0 is aimed at strengthening community data generation and management system to enhancing people-centered TB care and improve access to and quality of TB care, by (i) adjusting and implementing the community monitoring application OneImpact at country level, (ii) training people in TB treatment in using the App., (iii) generating community monitoring reports and developing mechanisms for relevant data to reach out providers and NTP for corrective actions and (iv) advocating for provision of quality and modern TB services.

TB-REP 2.0 country grant contact information

Elchin Mukhtarli

Project coordinator

Tel.: +994703310548



Parvana Valiyeva

Project assistant

Tel.: +994776150303


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The mission of the Public Foundation "AIDS Foundation East-West in the Kyrgyz Republic” is to support the public health in reducing the growth rate of socially significant infections in the Kyrgyz Republic. The organization is primarily focusing on: reducing the impact of HIV in the Kyrgyz Republic; supporting public health system in controlling socially significant infections; cooperating with government and non-governmental organizations with the participation and for the benefit of people living with HIV, and communities affected by HIV; implementing programs aimed at preventing the spread of HIV and other socially significant infections; ensuring universal access to treatment, care and support, as well as drawing attention to pressing issues to ease the burden of the epidemic in the Kyrgyz Republic.

TB-REP 2.0 country grant

The project implemented by Public Foundation "AIDS Foundation East-West in the Kyrgyz Republic" under TB-REP 2.0 is aimed at introducing the mobile application on community-based monitoring OneImpact and promoting its use among people on TB treatment to raise their adherence to treatment in Bishkek city and Chui area, by (i) customizing the mobile application to Kyrgyzstan context, (ii) training people on TB treatment on the use of the application, promoting and implementing the mobile application, (iii) analyzing received data and providing recommendations to NTP on corrective measures to improve TB services and increase treatment adherence, (iv) advocating for  modern approaches in prevention, diagnostics and treatment of TB with communities engagement.

TB-REP 2.0 country grant contact information

Samarin Dmitrii


Tel.: + 996 312 24 02 66


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The Association “Stop TB Partnership, Tajikistan” was established in 2014 by people with TB, people formerly with TB, their relatives and representatives of the organizations involved in the fight against TB from all over Tajikistan as a platform to contribute to preventing the spread of tuberculosis in the country as well as ensuring care and support to people, families and communities affected by TB. Registered in 2018, the partnership mission is to contribute to revolutionize the TB space and implement the Global Plan to End TB by 2030.

TB-REP 2.0 country grant

The project implemented by “Stop TB Partnership, Tajikistan” under TB-REP 2.0 is aimed at bridging the gap between civil society and the health services to ensure quality people-centered TB care and raising the profile of civil society organizations / community based organizations and private sector and their role/relevance in TB service delivery, by advocates for social contracting mechanisms, including through cooperation with the Members of Parliament, to ensure psychosocial support by CSOs/community organizations for TB patients at the ambulatory treatment, including advocacy for sustainable models of the patients’ incentives to prevent catastrophic costs and ensure treatment adherence.

In 2020, activities on implementing digital tools for treatment adherence were added as part of the project – promotion and roll-out of the community-led monitoring tool OneImpact and adaptation and roll-out of the video-supported treatment through “I LIKE VOT” platform. 

TB-REP 2.0 country grant contact information

Safarali Naimov

Project manager

Tel.: (+992) 901996447


Abdusamad Latifov

Project coordinator

Tel.: (+992) 909180488


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The National society of the Red Crescent of Turkmenistan honorably represents the country in the International movement of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent. Society’s priority directions include: assistance to governmental organizations in the field of public health through health-educational work, social support to the most vulnerable groups of population, prevention activity for various diseases; training of the population in provision of first aid in emergency situations; education of young generation in the spirit of mercy and compassions for other people as provided by the best traditions of the Turkmen nation; training of the population on the conduct to be adopted for emergency situations and natural disasters; identify relatives separated by dramatic events, natural disasters and other emergencies, and reunite families.

TB-REP 2.0 country grant

The project implemented by the National society of the Red Crescent of Turkmenistan under TB-REP 2.0 is aimed at increasing active TB case finding by informing population about tuberculosis and services provided by the health system of Turkmenistan. The main objectives are focused on: (i) increasing knowledge about tuberculosis and services provided by the health system of Turkmenistan, including outpatient TB treatment; (ii) conducting active TB case finding during the informational campaigns and informing about available services; (iii) promoting the scale up of outpatient TB treatment model in Turkmenistan.

In 2020, activities on implementing digital tools for treatment adherence were added as part of the project – adaptation to country context and roll-out of the video-supported treatment through “I LIKE VOT” platform.

TB-REP 2.0 country grant contact information

Ogulshirin Karliyeva   

Project coordinator 


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