
Centrul pentru politici și analize în sănătate

MY VICTORY STORY: First of all, doctors should perceive a person not only as a patient, but should also understand his/her fears"

MY VICTORY STORY: First of all, doctors should perceive a person not only as a patient, but should also understand his/her fears"

09.10.2020 10:34
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Tatiana is the new hero of the interview MY VICTORY STORY:

“I am grateful for everything that happened to me in my life,” she frankly spoke about the fight against tuberculosis and the difficulties she had to face personally. -"First of all, doctors should perceive a person not only as a patient, but should also understand his/her fears" ... "the doctor understands what he/she is facing and what he/she is going to treat" ... "it is not always easy to understand a person, not only because of his/her closed-nature but also because of various other reasons"

It should be mentioned that even the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic is not as dangerous as tuberculosis. Today TB is the main cause of death from infectious diseases. It continues to kill over 5,000 women, men and children every day. Its consequences for society and economy are devastating causing poverty, stigma and discrimination. The disease is curable and preventable, but global action and investment is well below what is required to end the world's tuberculosis epidemic.

The series of interviews “THE STORY OF MY VICTORY” tell the stories of people who conquered tuberculosis. They are of different genders, ages, social status; all have their own history of acceptance. The heroes of the video share their experience of fighting and overcoming TB. They have already experienced the effects of medication, treatment difficulties and mental and psychological effects of such treatment. Now, they want to raise the awareness of the disease among others aiming for better understanding of the importance of TB testing and adherence to treatment.

The stories told by these people offer promising prospects and are a powerful advocacy tool for an intensifying TB response and for ensuring that all affected people are reached with prevention and health care services.

