
Center For Health Policies and Studies

TB-REP 2.0: Advancing People-Centered Quality TB Care - From the New Model of Care Towards Improving DR-TB Early Detection and Treatment Outcomes

TB-REP Project presented at 66th session of the WHO Regional Committee

9/13/2016 3:57:35 PM

On September 13, 2016, an TB-REP update is presented to the Ministries of Health from EECA countries during breakfast meeting at 66th session of the W ..

В Казахстане выявлены барьеры в лечении туберкулеза среди целевых груп ..

8/11/2016 5:09:10 PM

В Казахстане выявлены имеющиеся среди целевых групп барьеры в лечении туберкулеза и на их основе разработаны соответствующие направления для адвокации ..

B Украине издана Памятка для людей, пострадавших от туберкулеза Фундац ..

8/11/2016 5:04:03 PM

Памятка для людей, пострадавших от туберкулеза, издана Фундацией «Общественное движение "Украинцы против туберкулеза" в Украине в рамках проекта TB-RE ..

High level mission of health system strengthening for effective TB and ..

7/27/2016 11:47:49 AM

The Director of the Division of Health Systems and Public Health at WHO Regional Office for Europe, Dr. Hans Kluge conducted a high-level mission to B ..

TB-REP highlighted at 7th Union Conference in Bratislava, Slovakia, Ju ..

7/27/2016 10:47:21 AM

On June 22-24, 2016, the 7th Union Conference of the European Region took place in Bratislava, Slovakia. As TB-REP project represents one of the main ..

Round Table with the Representatives of Local Public Administration in ..

7/5/2016 12:44:28 PM

Moldova National Association of Tuberculosis Patients “SMIT” supported by Rayon Council Riscani, conducted a roundtable on topic “Together in TB contr ..

First TB-REP high-level meeting on health systems strengthening for en ..

7/5/2016 12:41:10 PM

On 26–28 April 2016 in Copenhagen, Denmark, a high-level meeting was held to discuss and catalyse implementation of the Tuberculosis Regional Eastern ..

WHO and PAS Center undertake high-level mission on health system stren ..

7/5/2016 12:37:31 PM

WHO/Europe and PAS Center recently conducted a mission to Turkmenistan with the aim of providing support and advice to the Ministry of Health on healt ..

В Казахстане разработан опросник для анализа барьеров в доступе, диагн ..

7/5/2016 12:34:26 PM

В мае 2016 года по результатам двух тренингов «Вовлечение представителей гражданского общества, затронутых туберкулезом, в проведение исследовательски ..

Georgia Family Medicine Association presents the situation analysis on ..

7/5/2016 12:32:21 PM

Some 18 representatives the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs, WHO local office, Georgia TB Coalition, and primary care clinics attended a ..

В Киеве проведена публичная консультация «Итоги анализа государственно ..

7/5/2016 12:30:44 PM

2 июня 2016 года, в помещении МБФ «Альянс общественного здоровья» провели публичную консультацию «Итоги анализа государственной и региональных политик ..

TB-REP technical partner meeting in London to discuss blueprint for TB ..

7/5/2016 12:28:37 PM

On June 8 2016, representatives of TB-REP partners - London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), the London School of Economics and Politi ..