
Center For Health Policies and Studies

TB-REP 2.0: Advancing People-Centered Quality TB Care - From the New Model of Care Towards Improving DR-TB Early Detection and Treatment Outcomes

TB-REP Project presented at 66th session of the WHO Regional Committee

TB-REP Project presented at 66th session of the WHO Regional Committee

9/13/2016 3:57 PM

On September 13, 2016, an TB-REP update is presented to the Ministries of Health from EECA countries during breakfast meeting at 66th session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe. The purpose is to provide information on the TB-REP project and an update on TB-REP implementation and upcoming activities, to discuss country ownership and nomination of focal points and national working mechanisms and strategies to move ambitiously forward in reaching the project objectives.

Dr Viorel Soltan, the director of PAS Center, the Principal Recipient, Dr Hans Kluge, Director of the Division of Health Systems and Public Health, Dr Masoud Dara, Acting Programme Manager, TB &M/XDR-TB, Joint TB, HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis Programme at WHO/Europe, Nicolas Cantau, Regional Manager EECA region of the Global Fund анд Dr Nedret Emiroglu, Director of the Division of Communicable Diseases and Health Security and Special Representative of the Regional Director on the Sustainable Development Goals and governance,discuss jointly with ministers of EECA the opportunities to move forward the health system reform to people-centered care for TB care and treatment.

From left to right: Viorel Soltan, Hans Kluge, Masoud Dara, Nicolas Cantau, Nedret Emiroglu

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