
Center For Health Policies and Studies

TB-REP 2.0: Advancing People-Centered Quality TB Care - From the New Model of Care Towards Improving DR-TB Early Detection and Treatment Outcomes

TB-REP technical partner meeting in London to discuss blueprint for TB models of care in EECA region

TB-REP technical partner meeting in London to discuss blueprint for TB models of care in EECA region

7/5/2016 12:28 PM

On June 8 2016, representatives of TB-REP partners - London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and the European Respiratory Society (ERS), the PAS Center, the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe (WHO Europe) and the Global Fund (GF) discussed the approaches and next steps within the framework of TB-REP. The technical partners, ERS, LSE and LSHTM are currently developing evidence-based models of service delivery patient-centered models of care, funding and provider allocation models and human resource planning that will result in a blueprint models of care specific to eastern Europe and central Asia region (EECA).

The purpose of the meeting was to define the joint outline, develop an overall workplan and communication streams and ensure that most-up-to-date WHO policy guidance and recommendations are fully taken account of.

The meeting started with sharing experiences of TB relevant service delivery in the EECA region based on the examples of Belarus and Turkmenistan and on presenting the European framework for action on integrated health services delivery.

Each of the technical partners shared their approach and ideas about outline and products. All group discussions covered reflections on the changes at service delivery models and how financing and governance has supported it and the implications for human resources and discussed the way forward, the milestones and the modus operandi. 

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