
Center For Health Policies and Studies

TB-REP 2.0: Advancing People-Centered Quality TB Care - From the New Model of Care Towards Improving DR-TB Early Detection and Treatment Outcomes

TB-REP highlighted at 7th Union Conference in Bratislava, Slovakia, June 2016

TB-REP highlighted at 7th Union Conference in Bratislava, Slovakia, June 2016

7/27/2016 10:47 AM

On June 22-24, 2016, the 7th Union Conference of the European Region took place in Bratislava, Slovakia. As TB-REP project represents one of the main interventions for TB control and health systems strengthening in the Eastern European and Central Asia region for the next 3 years, it was of key importance to make the project known to the conference participants. Dr. Viorel Soltan, Director of the Center for Health Policies and Studies, Republic of Moldova) with Dr. Martin Van der Boom, Technical Officer in the Joint Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis Programme at the WHO Regional Office for Europe, presented TB-REP project in plenary session on June 24, 2016.

More broadly the project was discussed at the Joint Meeting of EU/EEA TB Surveillance Network and WHO/Europe National TB Programme Managers, which took place prior to the conference, on June 22-24, 2016. The meeting gathered together participants from EU countries, Russian Federation, donors’ and partners’ organizations, as well as from the 11 countries targeted by TB-REP.  The main topics were focused on the adapting national TB strategic plans to the Tuberculosis action plan for the WHO European Region 2016–2020*, the implementation of the TB regional grant from the Global Fund on strengthening health systems for improved TB prevention and control, a review of people-centred models of TB care, and social protection and updates on regional initiatives.

The conference motto is: „Know – share – act in the Fight Against TB and Lung Diseases”. This theme reflects the changing landscape of global public health, and the new era of action for the coming years. The three-day scientific programme addressed how the new plans and strategies will influence the inter-related fights against tuberculosis, lung disease and non-communicable diseases, as well as the global campaign for tobacco control. Plenary sessions, symposia, oral presentations, poster sessions, and workshops provided a wide range of forums for attendees to hear about new developments, present their work, meet with colleagues and explore new partnerships.

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