Period | September, 2023 - May, 2024 |
Donor | Project of Professor Juozas Galdikas "Ensuring Patients' Rights by Strengthening the Moldovan Ombudsman", funded by the Central Project Management Agency of Lithuania |
Description |
The goal of the project is the elaboration of the concept of medical malpractice insurance and patient compensation in the Republic of Moldova. The objective is to provide assistance to Professor Juozas Galdikas in the elaboration of the Concept of medical malpractice insurance and patient compensation in the Republic of Moldova. |
Period | September, 2009 - December, 2020 |
Donor | The Regents of University of California on behalf of the San Diego Campus |
Description |
The overall goal of the program is to reduce the average XDR-TB detection time from months to a week. XDR-TB detection time will be defined as the number of days from initiation of testing to recording of final results of all drugs for each test.
Period | February, 2018 - December, 2020 |
Donor | The International Union Against Tuberculosis and lung Disease, Inc.D/B/A Vital Yale University |
Description |
The objectives of the project are:
Period | January, 2019 - December, 2019 |
Donor | The World Bank / Global Partnership for Social Accountability |
Description |
The Health Barometer of the Population of the Republic of Moldova, 2019 has been carried out for the second consecutive year to dynamically identify the perception of the population using the health services regarding the general opinion about the state of the health system, as well as the experience regarding the use of the medical services in the primary health care and hospital. This barometer of opinion was realized within the project "Promoting participatory social responsibility for a high-performance health system". |
Period | January, 2019 - December, 2019 |
Donor | Soros Foundation Moldova/Open Society Foundation |
Description |
This study is intended to analyze the changes and challenges related to the latest revisions of the evaluation mechanism, including / excluding a drug from the list of those that can compensate for the parts of the AOAM and issuing a drug for the beneficiaries of the drugs. |
Period | January, 2019 - December, 2019 |
Donor | Soros Foundation Moldova/Open Society Foundation |
Description |
The purpose of this study is to analyze and evaluate the implementation of the concept of essential drugs in the national health system and to identify the determining factors to improve the application of the concept in practice. |
Period | January, 2019 - December, 2019 |
Donor | The World Bank / Global Partnership for Social Accountability |
Description |
The Patient Exit Survey: 2019 results presents the results of two surveys carried out within one year of each other in 55 hospitals in the Republic of Moldova. The main purpose of the survey is to measure the degree of satisfaction of hospitalized patients in a comparable and objective way for each public hospital in the country. The survey was conducted within the project " Implementing Participatory Social Accountability for Better Health”, implemented by the Center for Health Policy and Analysis (PAS Center) in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection, with the financial support of the World Bank / Global Partnership for Social Responsibility. |
Period | January, 2018 - October, 2019 |
Donor | Soros Foundation Moldova/Open Society Foundation |
Description |
The goal of the project is to boost the development of palliative care services to ensure access to services, as an integral part of the right to medical care. Under the project a comprehensive analysis of the evolution of palliative care during the period 2007-2017 is carried out by areas of palliative care: organization and administration, financing, physical and human resources, service provision. |
Period | September, 2018 - June, 2019 |
Donor | UNDP, UNAIDS |
Description |
The goal of the study was to analyze the algorithm stipulated in the national regulatory acts on the management of the procurement of ARV, anti-TB, antiviral (hepatitis C) drugs in correlation with its actual implementation and the monitoring and analysis of the purchase prices of these drugs. |
Period | December, 2018 - May, 2019 |
Donor | UNFPA Moldova |
Description |
The goal of the qualitative sociological study is to explore and identify the key factors and behavioral patterns that lead to adolescent pregnancy, thus helping to identify the necessary interventions to prevent them. |
Period | July, 2018 - March, 2019 |
Donor | Ministry of Health The World Bank/Ukraine |
Description |
To conduct study for collection, processing, analysis, and use of information from patients' medical records, as required for reliable assessment of the most important indicators of the Assessment System for outcomes of the "Improving Health, Serving People" Project, verification and supplementing of existing data of medical statistics. |
Period | January, 2018 - December, 2018 |
Donor | The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
This report presents the results of the technical assistance offered by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection, the National Program for Tuberculosis Control and the National Program for the prevention and control of HIV / AIDS and sexually transmitted infections in strengthening the cooperation framework of the TB / HIV sectors in the Republic of Moldova. |
Period | January, 2018 - December, 2018 |
Donor | The World Bank / Global Partnership for Social Accountability |
Description |
The Population Health Barometer was developed to identify the perception of the population using the health services regarding the general opinion about the state of the health system as well as the experience regarding the use of the medical services in the primary and hospital healthcare. This barometer of opinion was realized within the project "Promoting participatory social responsibility for a high-performance health system". |
Period | January, 2018 - December, 2018 |
Donor | The World Bank / Global Partnership for Social Accountability |
Description |
The Patient Exit Survey: 2018 results is the first of its kind in the health field in the Republic of Moldova and was conducted within the project " Implementing Participatory Social Accountability for Better Health”, implemented by the Center for Health Policy and Analysis (PAS Center) in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection, with the financial support of the World Bank / Global Partnership for Social Responsibility. The main purpose of the survey was to measure the satisfaction of the hospitalized patients in a comparable and objective way for 55 public health-care institutions in the country and to give a general score to the hospital. Also, the survey measures the satisfaction of patients regarding the quality of interaction and communication with doctors and medical staff, participation in decision-making and training on post-discharge behavior, opinion on the conditions of hospitalization, as well as evaluation of suggestions made by outpatients regarding aspects that need improvement in hospitals.
Period | June, 2018 - August, 2018 |
Donor | UNFPA Moldova |
Description |
Assessment of capacity building needs of NGOs working with Key Populations and relevant healthcare providers had the main objectives: - Assess factors that influence key populations’ access and referral to HIV prevention services; - Assess organizations’ working approaches with key populations on HIV prevention; - Elaborate recommendations for increasing program coverage. |
Period | January, 2017 - December, 2017 |
Donor | The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
Goals of the study; Produce strategic information on the quality of clinical management of MDR-TB cases which will be used in the decision-making on increasing life expectancy and improving the quality of life of the patients. Objectives;
Period | January, 2017 - December, 2017 |
Donor | Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids” and “Bloomberg Philanthropies” |
Description |
The purpose of this study was to measure air quality in restaurants, cafes and pubs in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. |
Period | January, 2017 - December, 2017 |
Donor | Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids” and “Bloomberg Philanthropies” |
Description |
The purpose of this study was the repeated monitoring in restaurants, cafes, pubs, medical and educational institutions from Chisinau, Balti and Cahul, regarding the implementation of Law No. 278 of 14.12.2007 "On tobacco control" and the Decision Government no. 474 of 28.04.1998 "On the application of cash machines and control with fiscal memory for cash settlements" |
Period | January, 2017 - December, 2017 |
Donor | The Global Fund to Fight Against AIDS,Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
The primary purpose of the study was to evaluate the level of knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding tuberculosis among the general population and the key groups affected. For this purpose, a survey was carried out that included 2 large groups: the general population and the affected groups, namely: migrants, people living with HIV, people using drugs, homeless people and people in detention. |
Period | January, 2017 - December, 2017 |
Donor | Soros Foundation Moldova/Open Society Foundation |
Description |
This study is a continuation of the study conducted in 2013 as part of PAS Center’s Health Monitor project. Its purpose was to provide a situation analysis of procurement of ARV drugs and identification of possible scenarios in the context of transition from procurement of drugs through external sources to procurement using national public sources. The study analysed the procurement aspects during the transition period and offered some opportunities for future interventions. |
Period | January, 2017 - December, 2017 |
Donor | The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
The present strategy, conceived as a component of the instruments for the implementation of the National Program for tuberculosis control for the years 2016-2020, offers an integrative vision of the ACSM as an arsenal of social media, aiming at ensuring the changes of cognitive, mental and behavioral nature in relation to TB both at the scale of the whole society and for the actors involved in the control of the disease and of the persons affected by TB. |
Period | September, 2017 - October, 2017 |
Donor | The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
The purpose of the exercise was to review all existing data related to the drug users in penitentiaries, as well as to the experience of detention of the drug users, to analyze and triangulate the collected data and to estimate the population of IDU detainees and to estimate the beneficiaries of the risk reduction programs in the penitentiary system. |
Period | March, 2016 - September, 2017 |
Donor | The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
The study goal was to gather strategic information regarding the risk factors contributing to transmission of HIV, virus of Hepatitis B and C, and Sexually Transmitted Diseases in key populations as people who inject drugs (PWID), commercial sex workers (SWs), men who have sex with men (MSM) and prisoners for a better advocacy, planning, and design of the future prevention programs. |
Period | April, 2017 - August, 2017 |
Donor | The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
The purpose of the exercise is to estimate the number of injecting drug users (IDU), female sex workers (SWs) and men who have sex with men (MSM) in the Republic of Moldova. |
Period | February, 2017 - March, 2017 |
Donor | The Global Fund to Fight Against AIDS,Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
The evaluation of the Global fund grant to small NGOs aims at generating information on strengths and weaknesses of NGO engagement in TB control, required actions for ensuring sustainability and potential areas for future interventions. The specific objectives are: 1. To assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the NGO´s contribution 2. To assess the sustainability beyond Global Fund support 3. To generate information on strengths and weaknesses of NGO engagement 4. To identify potential areas for future interventions |
Period | January, 2012 - December, 2016 |
Donor | The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
The evaluation of opioid substitution treatment services in Moldova was conducted under the program "Strengthening the HIV control in Moldova, 2015 - 2017", financed by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and implemented by the Centre for Health Policies and Studies in collaboration with the Republican Narcological Dispensary. |
Period | January, 2016 - December, 2016 |
Donor | Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids” and“Bloomberg Philanthropies” |
Description |
The purpose of this study was to monitor restaurants, cafes, pubs, medical and educational institutions from Chisinau, Balti and Cahul, regarding the implementation of Law no. 278 of 14.12.2007 "On tobacco control" and Government Decision no. 474 of 28.04.1998 "On the application of cash machines and control with fiscal memory for cash settlements". |
Period | September, 2016 - December, 2016 |
Donor | The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
The exercise of estimating the size of the group of IDU detainees was carried out within the program "Strengthening HIV control in the Republic of Moldova", financed by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Turbeculosis and Malaria, implemented by the Center for Health Policy and Studies jointly with the Department of Institutions penitentiary. |
Period | October, 2015 - October, 2016 |
Donor | UNFPA Moldova |
Description |
The main purpose of the survey was to improve data quality and build national capacity of the public authorities and national institutions to monitor resource flows and develop evidence-based and cost efficient policies on reproductive health, including family planning. The survey included mapping and survey of expenditures from national and international resources for family planning and forecast future expected national budget for family planning for 2016 and 2017. The survey included national government departments, private sector and national health insurance company, NGOs and donor agencies. |
Period | November, 2015 - January, 2016 |
Donor | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute |
Description |
The goal was to conduct an in-depth analysis of the current status, strengths and challenges of the policy framework for Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) prevention in Moldova. |
Period | January, 2014 - December, 2015 |
Donor | The Global Fund to Fight Against AIDS,Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
Goal of the study: Produce strategic information on the quality of the clinical management of TB/HIV co-infection cases to be used in the decision-making on increasing life expectancy and improving the quality of life of PLHIV.
Period | January, 2014 - December, 2015 |
Donor | Soros Foundation Moldova / Open Society Foundation |
Description |
The purpose of this study was to identify the barriers in the current system of reimbursed medicines at the regulatory, operational and financial level, to identify the opinions and practices of the population in accessing medicines and the impact on the health status. This study was conducted to measure the contribution of reimbursed drugs on access to drugs in the Republic of Moldova. |
Period | December, 2015 - December, 2015 |
Donor | Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids” and“Bloomberg Philanthropies” |
Description |
Qualitative study among children in the primary cycle of studies "Advertising and promotion of cigarettes at points of sale" focuses on determining the reaction of children to advertising and promotion of tobacco products at points of sale. The main findings of the study show that in commercial spaces, all consumers, regardless of age or whether or not they are smokers, are exposed to the influence of slogans and images that stimulate smoking. |
Period | September, 2015 - December, 2015 |
Donor | The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
The purpose of the exercise is to estimate the costs required for risk reduction programs in the penitentiary system per beneficiary in order to identify mechanisms for financial support from the state and for alternative financial sources from the Global Fund. |
Period | January, 2015 - December, 2015 |
Donor | Soros Foundation Moldova |
Description |
The main purpose of the study was to identify the most relevant objections and dissatisfactions of the patients in relation to the services of diagnosis, treatment and accommodation in hospitals. |
Period | January, 2015 - December, 2015 |
Donor | Soros Foundation Moldova |
Description |
This analysis makes a broad feature of the current system of drug supply of hospitals, the identification of possible factors that contribute to the interruption of drug delivery and the functionality of the drug supply system, the formulation of the options that would be necessary to remedy the process of drug supply of healthcare institutions. |
Period | November, 2015 - December, 2015 |
Donor | GIZ Quality Improvement of Health Services |
Description |
The goal was to incude the baseline indicator into the GIZ project on Quality Improvement of Health Services in Hospitals in Moldova. |
Period | December, 2014 - October, 2015 |
Donor | UNICEF Moldova |
Description |
The main purpose of the evaluation was to assess end of project results and achievements in relation to the project objectives and document good practices, lesson learned for future programming. |
Period | July, 2015 - September, 2015 |
Donor | The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
The purpose of this assessment was to study existing HIV-service programs for MSM and provide practical recommendations for their improvement in the direction of increasing coverage, as well as other UNGASS indicators. |
Period | May, 2015 - June, 2015 |
Donor | The Global Fund to Fight Against AIDS,Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
The current assessment of CCs for TB outpatient care in RM has the following objectives: 1) Assess the effectiveness of the current CC services. 2) Assess the current and potential future integration of the CC services into the health system of the country. 3) Assess the sustainability of the CC model of outpatient TB services delivery after the phasing out of the Global Fund support. 4) Make recommendations for a sustainable model of outpatient TB services in the country. |
Period | September, 2012 - June, 2015 |
Donor | UNICEF Moldova |
Description |
The Center for Health Policies and Studies provided data analysis and developed the report of the 2012 Access to Health Services Survey (2012 AHSS) desk review and qualitative research. 2012 AHSS was carried out as part of Moldova Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) in 2012. The 2012 AHSS report describes the access of Moldovan population to health services and health expenditures at last episode of illness and provides a comparison of these to the baseline data collected in 2000 before the introduction of health insurance. In addition, it provides a cross-sectional picture of health coverage dimensions based on Tanahashi framework based on the data collected in both Access to Health Module and MICS 2012. |
Period | January, 2014 - March, 2015 |
Donor | The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
The aim of the study was the geographical and financial accessibility and acceptability of health services, the use of general health services, the use of specialized medical services for people living with HIV, the availability of antiretroviral therapy and the quality of medical care during pregnancy and childbirth for women living with HIV. |
Period | March, 2014 - December, 2014 |
Donor | Friedrich Ebert Stichtung Foundation |
Description |
This study has been conducted as part of the alternative mechanisms independent of existing public mechanisms andto provide further information on hospital governance framework. This study comes as a support to Ministry of Health in developing public policies in hospital sector, offers valid and relevant information on hospital governance. The study can be applied to assess progress in achieving objectives of the National Health Policy and National Health Development Strategy 2007-2017, of the Government Activity Program for the years 2013-2014 and for the Roadmap on Accelerating Reforms, Addressing the Needs of Health Sector through Investment Policies. |
Period | April, 2012 - April, 2013 |
Donor | Otsuka SA |
Description |
The overall goal of the program is to combine the use of rapid diagnostic tests to identify MDR-TB patients and their treatment in outpatient conditions. 1. To establish if an outpatient-based model for MDR TB case management in Moldova can:
2. To evaluate the impact of rapid tests on initiation of appropriate treatment regimens and treatment management;
4. To compare treatment outcomes of outpatient MDR TB care model to historical treatment outcome data for MDR TB hospital based model of care; |
Period | January, 2013 - January, 2013 |
Donor | Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids” and“Bloomberg Philanthropies” |
Description |
This study was conducted for the first time in the Republic of Moldova and aims to determine the population's options regarding the prohibition of smoking in public places and in closed work spaces, as well as in public transport. The study provides details on the rights of non-smokers to breathe unpolluted air from tobacco smoke in public spaces and at their workplaces, analyzes the position of the population against the smokers' wishes to smoke at workplaces, in public places, including restaurants and pubs, presents the opinion of the population regarding the increase in taxes on cigarettes. The research also tested whether the population would support a person from the country's leadership or a political party, which will strongly promote a law that will protect the health of people and, first of all, children from tobacco smoke. |
Period | January, 2013 - January, 2013 |
Donor | Soros Foundation-Moldova |
Description |
This document analyzes the effectiveness of policies to improve access to medicines by approving and recording producer prices for medicines in the Republic of Moldova. |
Period | January, 2013 - January, 2013 |
Donor | The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
The survey has been conducted by the Centre of Sociological, Politological and Psychological Analysis and Investigations „CIVIS” in the framework of the project „Empowerment of People with Tuberculosis and Communities in Moldova”, financed by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and implemented by the Center for Health Policies and Studies. |
Period | January, 2013 - January, 2013 |
Donor | Soros Foundation-Moldova |
Description |
This express analysis aimed to analyze the negative impact of data exclusivity on access to medicines. This publication appears in the project "Health Monitor" implemented by the PAS Center with the financial support of the Soros Fundation- Moldova. |
Period | January, 2013 - January, 2013 |
Donor | Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids” and “Bloomberg Philanthropies” |
Description |
The purpose of this study was to monitor restaurants, cafes, pubs, medical and educational institutions in Chisinau. |
Period | January, 2013 - January, 2013 |
Donor | Soros Foundation-Moldova |
Description |
The aim of the study was to support the transition from the procurement of antiretroviral drugs from external sources to their procurement from public sources by analyzing the current HIV treatment situation and current procurement practices, the needs for 2014–2016, by analyzing possible scenarios for antiretroviral drugs procurement and to help identify common strategic aspects and priorities on the basis of which the Cost Strategy for the health sector for 2014–2016 should be developed. |
Period | August, 2011 - June, 2012 |
Donor | WHO |
Description |
This report specifically aims to:
Period | January, 2012 - January, 2012 |
Donor | Soros Foundation-Moldova |
Description |
This express analysis aimed to study the international experience but also to evaluate the possible risks on the access and quality of the medical services, the economic effect and the implications on the corruption in the health system, the legality of the promoted initiative and the necessity of keeping the medical services against payment within the framework of public hospitals in the Republic of Moldova. |
Period | January, 2012 - January, 2012 |
Donor | Soros Foundation-Moldova |
Description |
The study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of public hospitals and its determinants, through the following specific objectives:
Period | December, 2010 - December, 2011 |
Donor | Soros Foundation-Moldova |
Description |
The main goal of the study was to identify the level of satisfaction and quality perception of diagnostic, treatment and accomodation in hospitals. The main objectives were to identify factors that determine the functional performance of hospitals, as well as barriers in receiving appropriate health care by looking at the following aspects: access to facilities, management of hospital admission and inpatient treatment; key aspects in quality of services as perceived by the patients, aspects related to out-of-pocket payments and financial access to inpatient services; level of satisfaction with hospital services at different levels of care. |
Period | December, 2010 - August, 2011 |
Donor | UNICEF Moldova |
Description |
The main goal of the evaluation was to assess the impact of IMCI program on health of children in the Republic of Moldova and identify barriers to ensure sustainability, acceptance and integration of the program. The objectives were the following:
Period | January, 2010 - December, 2010 |
Donor | Soros Foundation-Moldova |
Description |
This policy document presents an impact analysis of the reforms promoted by the Ministry of Health between September 2009 - January 2010. The impact analysis of the health reforms is part of the larger initiative of the PAS Center for the implementation of the Health Monitor in Moldova, a mechanism for monitoring of the situation in the health field by applying a comprehensive methodology. |
Period | January, 2010 - December, 2010 |
Donor | Soros Foundation-Moldova |
Description |
The study presents a summary and a general picture regarding decentralization in general, but also the possibility of applying different forms of decentralization within the health system of the Republic of Moldova. |
Period | December, 2008 - December, 2009 |
Donor | Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Moldova office |
Description |
Following the interests of this study there was evaluated the level of knowledge of medical staff and representatives of local public authorities regarding the process of decentralization in the domain of health care, described the attitude of medical staff and representatives of LPA towards the existent degree of decentralization and necessity in decentralization or centralization of the health care system, as well as the attitude of the respondents towards the process of autonomisation or privatization in the field of primary medical assistance and other levels of health care administration. |
Period | September, 2007 - October, 2009 |
Donor | The Global Fund to Fight Against AIDS,Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
The goal was to identify and measure factors associated with DOT failure and default, in order to suggest suitable measures to increase the treatment success rate. The study was designed to examine qualitatively and quantitatively the factors associated with TB defaults and failures. The quantitative part of the study examines the factors associated with treatment defaults and failures in TB patients, while the qualitative study explores the opinion of providers (primary health care and TB specialists) on factors associated with poor treatment outcomes. |
Period | July, 2009 - October, 2009 |
Donor | UNICEF |
Description |
The study describes and assesses the extent of inequalities in maternal and child indicators and other key indicators causally relating to maternal and child health in the Republic of Moldova. The equity analysis is based on the concept of multi-factorial determinants of health, taking into account that inequalities in health arise from, and are maintained by unequal distribution of welfare, knowledge, lifestyle practices, attainment of employment, access to education, water and sanitation system, food production and social support. The study focuses on describing the state of maternal and child health inequity in Moldova through the analysis of the three types of indicators: high-level outcomes, key intermediate outcomes, and structural outcomes. In doing so, both descriptive and quantitative techniques were applied. This included the collection and description of data available from other related surveys, but also the quantitative techniques (concentration curve, concentration index, significance tests, etc) in order to attempt to quantify of the degree of inequity as it relates to wealth. |
Period | September, 2007 - April, 2008 |
Donor | USAID, WHO |
Description |
Study goal: to estimate HIV prevalence among newly registered TB cases in 2007 in the Republic of Moldova.
Period | September, 2007 - December, 2007 |
Donor | American International Health Alliance (AIHA) |
Description |
The goal of the project: to determine the prevalence of anti-TB drug resistance, among new and previously treated cases (used as a proxy for primary and acquired drug resistance respectively), the level of MDR TB, the pattern of resistance and the implications for tuberculosis control in Moldova.
Period | July, 2024 - December, 2025 |
Budget | USD 811,554 |
Donor | The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
The goal of the program is to assist organizations in rolling out Community Pulse, and provide targeted organizational development support to community-led organizations, based on the identified and agreed priority needs.
Period | January, 2024 - December, 2026 |
Budget | Indefinite, based on requests |
Donor | The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
Project aim: Effective and timely provision of short-term, peer-to-peer technical assistance to strengthen the leadership and engagement of communities most affected by HIV, TB and malaria in Global Fund and related processes, throughout the grant cycle.
Period | January, 2024 - December, 2026 |
Budget | Indefinite, based on requests |
Donor | The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
The aim of the project is to deliver long-term implementation support to BDB countries to mount comprehensive quality responses to address human rights- and gender-related barriers to HIV, TB and malaria services.
Period | January, 2024 - December, 2026 |
Budget | USD 73,500 |
Donor | Stichting TB Europe Coalition |
Description |
The purpose of the project is to strengthen capacity to engage in Global Fund processes at country level of TB networks and organizations representing TB survivors and TB key populations.
Period | January, 2024 - December, 2026 |
Budget | EUR 4,649,104 |
Donor | Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
The goal of the program is to reduce the human suffering and socioeconomic burden associated with TB and HIV/AIDS in Moldova, promote people-centered, gender-sensitive and rights-based enabling environments and systems, in order to give an effective and sustainable response to TB and HIV, by (i) scaling up the access to an effective up-to-date TB Objectives include the following:
Period | December, 2023 - May, 2025 |
Budget | USD 411,300 |
Donor | UNOPS/STOP TB Partnership - Challenge Facility for Civil Society Round 12 |
Description |
The aim of the project is to enhance post-UNHLM community monitoring and engagement through community empowerment for identifying TB stigma related barriers and burden of TB in KVPs in support to commitments to leave no one behind.
Period | January, 2009 - September, 2026 |
Budget | USD 1,512,350.67 |
Donor | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - USA |
Description |
Project aims: Strengthening the capacities for rapid detection and response to potential pandemic influenza as well as for monitoring the occurrence and assessing the impact of seasonal influenza in the country through enhancing the surveillance system and control and improving pandemic preparedness in the Republic of Moldova. Main objectives of the project are:
Location: Moldova (at national level) |
Period | August, 2024 - December, 2024 |
Budget | USD 30,100 |
Donor | The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
The aim of the project is to proactively address security concerns expressed by key population programs implementers (PRs, SRs, SSRs) or directly by Global Fund country teams in EECA region.
Period | July, 2024 - October, 2024 |
Budget | USD 37,422 |
Donor | The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
The aim of the project is to facilitate meaningful engagement of communities living with, affected by and vulnerable to HIV and TB in the national dialogue for the funding request development.
Period | May, 2024 - August, 2024 |
Budget | USD 27,752 |
Donor | The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
The aim of the project is to ensure meaningful participation of community representatives in the country dialogue process.
Period | April, 2024 - December, 2024 |
Budget | USD 79,437 |
Donor | The National Medical Insurance Company |
Description |
The aim of the project is to inform and protect young people in the Republic of Moldova from the negative influences of the tobacco industry, by organizing information sessions on the harms of smoking, information and education campaigns, at the national level, on the risks associated with smoking and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle without tobacco. The main activities are focused around 3 objectives:
Period | April, 2024 - July, 2024 |
Budget | USD 17,700 |
Donor | The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
The aim of the project is to undertake an assessment for gender barriers for TB services in Turkmenistan.
Period | April, 2024 - September, 2024 |
Budget | USD 20,740 |
Donor | De Koninklijke Nederlandse Centrale Vereniging tot bestrijding der Tuberculose (KNCV TUBERCULOSEFONDS) |
Description |
The aim of the project is to support the UNDP Turkmenistan to update the “I Like VST” application and enhace the features by integrated the platform with pillboxes.
Period | February, 2024 - November, 2024 |
Budget | USD 40,000 |
Donor | UNFPA |
Description |
The purpose of the project is to improved policies and accountability frameworks for enhanced capacities of the health system, institutions, and communities to deliver human rights-based, client-centred sexual and reproductive health information, services and supplies to women and young people, particularly those furthest left behind, including in humanitarian settings. Objective: |
Period | November, 2023 - April, 2024 |
Budget | USD 24,360 |
Donor | UNOPS/Stop TB Partnership |
Description |
Project aim: Utilizing regional TB civil society organizations and networks enhance the participation of TB civil society and affected communities in the 2023 Stop TB Partnership (STP) Governance Report through the engagement of TB affected community or civil society respondents in each of the focus countries.
Period | August, 2023 - December, 2023 |
Budget | USD 31,145 |
Donor | The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
The aim is to ensure the meaningful involvement of civil society and communities’ representatives in Montenegro into the country dialogue and specifically, to help them to identify their needs and prioritize interventions for the inclusion into the FR.
Period | July, 2023 - December, 2023 |
Budget | EUR 25,000 |
Donor | European Union (through Slovak AID and People in Need) |
Description |
The purpose of the project is to diversify journalistic formats to increase the visibility of the Sănătate INFO platform and ensure public access to various formats for presenting information in the field of health and patients' rights. Project objectives:
Period | May, 2023 - September, 2023 |
Budget | USD 27,559 |
Donor | The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
The aim is to conduct a rapid assessment of barriers related to HIV prevention and treatment for KVPs in Russian Federation, including gender-related barriers. |
Period | April, 2023 - December, 2023 |
Budget | USD 21,166 |
Donor | UNFPA |
Description |
The overall goal of the program is to improved policies and accountability frameworks for enhanced capacities of the health system, institutions, and communities to deliver human rights-based, client-centred sexual and reproductive health information, services and supplies to women and young people, particularly those furthest left behind, including in humanitarian settings.
Period | March, 2023 - December, 2023 |
Budget | USD 10,000 |
Donor | Macfarlane Burnet Institute for Medical Research and Public Health Ltd |
Description |
The aim is to evaluate the most cost-effective investments to reduce the burden of DR-TB in Moldova and in Kyrgyzstan. |
Period | March, 2023 - March, 2024 |
Budget | USD 211,519 |
Donor | UNOPS/STOP TB Partnership - Challenge Facility for Civil Society Round 11 |
Description |
The aim is to address CRG barriers in TB care using the evidence generated by CRG assessments to influence policy decisions and practical program implementation, driving towards UNHLM 2023 targets, while also monitoring their implementation in EECA region.
Period | February, 2023 - April, 2024 |
Budget | USD 88,676 |
Donor | JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc |
Description |
Project aim: Contribute to increased uptake of COVID-19 vaccination in Serbia, North Macedonia, Moldova, and Bosnia and Herzegovina Main objectives of the project are:
Period | January, 2023 - December, 2023 |
Budget | USD 70,000 |
Donor | Soros Foundation Moldova |
Description |
The aim of the project is to contribute to the realization of the public authorities' commitments, in particular the approval of the regulatory framework in the field of pharmacy, palliative care and other priorities assumed in the governing act, by making the public authorities responsible for the commitments made to citizens to ensure rights and equity in health, through the lens of the four main functions of the health system: organization and administration, provision of services, financing and generation of resources (human, drugs, medical devices, etc.).
Period | December, 2022 - March, 2023 |
Budget | USD 40,304 |
Donor | The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
The aim is to ensure the direct engagement of civil society organizations and community representatives from Tajikistan in the development of a new country proposal for Global Fund support.
Period | December, 2022 - March, 2023 |
Budget | USD 32,794 |
Donor | The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
The aim is to provide a better understanding of access to medical and social services in the 6 assessed areas, as well as help identify the need for adaptation of services run by international organizations. |
Period | June, 2022 - October, 2022 |
Budget | USD 41,719.60 |
Donor | The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
In the context of the political situation and economic instability within the Russian Federation, there is a tendency to reduce not only foreign funding, but also a decrease in the volume of donations from Russian individuals and legal entities. Thus, the situation in the non-profit sector is rather complicated. At the same time, there is no reliable data on what the real impact of the current circumstances on the viability of civil society organizations, on the access of key populations to HIV prevention services, as well as on the quality of their services for key populations, can be. The requested technical assistance is focusing on the assessment of the impact of the economic and political situation in the Russian Federation both on the work of civil society organizations providing services to key populations, and the availability and quality of HIV prevention and treatment services in the country, and recommendations will be developed and action plan for a set of measures to maintain the effectiveness of the work of civil society organizations. A face-to-face two-day consultation with representatives of civil society organizations and communities of key groups will be organized to discuss the results of the assessment and develop recommendations and an action plan for the package of measures. Within this TA assignment, PAS Center is managing a team of international and national consultants, sub-contracts a local NGO for country-based activities, along with managing the contract itself and providing the expertise on HIV community engagement. |
Period | June, 2022 - June, 2023 |
Budget | USD 65,500 |
Donor | Soros Foundation Moldova |
Description |
The aim of the project is to increase the accountability of public authorities towards the commitments made to citizens, especially those related to rights and equity in health and transposed in public policy documents.
Period | April, 2022 - June, 2022 |
Budget | USD 35,642 |
Donor | The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
Aim: To provide civil society and communities in Tajikistan with information on community-led monitoring (CLM) models to monitor gender and human rights to TB and HIV services to advocate for a coordinated and unified CLM framework. Program interventions are structured around four main objectives:
Support CBOs/NGOs to advocate with key actors and stakeholders for the use of people-centered approaches and CLM. Within this short TA assignment, PAS Center is managing a team of international and national consultants, sub-contracts a local NGO for country-based activities, along with managing the contract itself and providing the expertise on CLM interventions. |
Period | March, 2022 - December, 2022 |
Budget | USD 41,666 |
Donor | UNFPA Moldova |
Description |
The overall goal of the program is to enhanced health system capacity to develop and implement policies and programs at all levels that ensure equal access to high-quality sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights services, including commodities by those women, adolescents and youth left furthest behind, including in humanitarian settings. Objective:
Period | January, 2022 - April, 2022 |
Budget | USD 7,000 |
Donor | UNOPS/Stop TB Partnership |
Description |
Aim: Utilizing regional TB civil society organizations and networks enhance the participation of TB civil society and affected communities in the 2022 Stop TB Partnership (STP) Governance Report through the engagement of TB affected community or civil society respondents in each of the focus countries. Program interventions are structured around two main objectives:
The project covered 4 countries – Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. |
Period | January, 2022 - December, 2024 |
Budget | USD 498,486.00 |
Donor | The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
The project is implemented in 2 countries: Georgia and Kazakhstan and is focused on the alignment of national HIV testing and treatment protocols with WHO recommendations and on the decentralization of HIV testing services through the removal of normative, legal and technical barriers. The main activities are focused around 3 objectives:
Period | December, 2021 - December, 2022 |
Budget | USD 148,140 |
Donor | UNOPS/Stop TB Partnership |
Description |
The aim of the project is to make the TB response rights-based, equitable and stigma-free, with communities at the centre. And leverage Covid-19 as a strategic opportunity to get back on track and accelerate progress towards United Nations High Level Meeting (UNHLM) targets.
The project provides funding to CSOs in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan and technical assistance to Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine additionally to the first 4 countries mentioned above. |
Period | October, 2021 - October, 2022 |
Budget | USD 77,361 |
Donor | The Global Fund Technical Support Mechanism |
Description |
The aim of the project is to conduct an independent review of the achievement of Transition Plan outcomes in Ukraine with the aim of developing detailed recommendations and actions for further strengthening and support. The recommendations would become the basis for a new plan for the institutionalization of the existing mechanism for contracting HIV prevention services for key and vulnerable populations, with a future vision for people living with HIV support services and TB care services incorporation. The activities are focused on analyzing the achievement of commitments of the Government, included in the HIV / TB Transition Plan. Within this TA assignment, PAS Center is managing a team of international and national consultants, along with managing the contract itself and providing the expertise on TB related issues assessed within the evaluation. Location: Ukraine (at national level). |
Period | July, 2021 - September, 2022 |
Budget | USD 74,910 |
Donor | U.S. Department of State FEDERAL ASSISTANCE AWARD |
Description |
The overall project goal is to protect people's healthier belief and actions related to COVID-19 by curbing the spread of misinformation about the virus and maintaining the information flow on COVID-19 in the online environment from credible sources, based on scientific evidence and reasoned by qualified public health specialists with a special focus on community level involvement. The project is focused on:
As the result of project, the journalists and communities will increase their capacity to look at and critically analyze health information related to COVID-19 and beyond. Location: Moldova (at national level). |
Period | June, 2021 - December, 2024 |
Budget | USD 67,000 |
Donor | UNODC, UNDP and UNAIDS |
Description |
Based on the successful implementation of video-supported TB treatment in Moldova, a digital tool will be developed and piloted to provide virtual clinical, psycho-social support and rights-based monitoring for people in opioid substitution therapy (OST) from Chisinau. The overall goal of the project is to ensure continuous clinical and psycho-social virtual support for people in OST treatment to improve adherence and ensure person-led monitoring of human-rights, physical and economic barriers and quality issues related to access of OST services. Program interventions are structured around a main objective: to enhance the support to people in OST, both by medical staff and peers from civil society organizations, depending on individual needs of each of the beneficiaries for improved access and adherence to treatment. For the project implementation the existing VST (video-supported treatment) tool “I LIKE VST” will be adapted to Support-OST platform, trainings for medical staff and NGO representatives engaged in providing support for people in OST who find the tool acceptable will be organized, and roll-out and institutionalization of the proposed intervention will be ensured by the end of the project. The platform will provide an opportunity for enhanced support to people in OST both by medical staff and peers from civil society organizations, depending on individual needs of each of the beneficiaries, as well as video-assisted daily OST intake. The intervention will be rolled-out taking into account human rights considerations, confidentiality and people-centered aspects in provision of care to people in OST, integrating routine patient feedback as a quality improvement strategy. Location: Moldova (at national level). |
Period | April, 2021 - December, 2021 |
Budget | USD 32,407 |
Donor | UNFPA Moldova |
Description |
The overall goal of the program is to enhanced health system capacity to develop and implement policies and programs at all levels that ensure equal access to high-quality sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights services, including commodities by those women, adolescents and youth left furthest behind, including in humanitarian settings. Objective: 1) capacity building of the NGOs staff in the area of HIV Prevention among Key Populations (3 on-line thematic trainings on HIV Prevention to be conducted for staff of 20 NGOs working with KPs):
2) development of an innovative on-line learning course for NGOs staff (including 5 induction thematic training modules on HIV Prevention among Key Populations, including Young KPs) - to ensure the sustainability of capacity building interventions for 20 NGOs working with Key Populations. |
Period | January, 2021 - December, 2023 |
Budget | USD 7,615,265.18 (including USD 6,239,140 for the main allocation and USD 1,376,125.18 for the additional allocation) |
Donor | The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
The goal of the program is to reduce the human suffering and socioeconomic burden associated with TB and HIV/AIDS in Moldova, promote people-centered, gender-sensitive and rights-based enabling environments and systems, in order to give an effective and sustainable response to TB and HIV, by (i) scaling up the access to an effective up-to-date TB diagnosis, treatment and prevention (with special attention to KPs), and (ii) closing the gap in the progress towards the 90-90-90 targets: increase early HIV detection, ensure a rapid scale up of ART and improve HIV care quality, by promoting innovative prevention interventions. Program interventions are structured around 8 main objectives:
TB and HIV service interventions are evidence-based for key and vulnerable populations, as per WHO, Stop TB Partnership and UNAIDS guidance and aligned to the highest impact interventions as outlined in Optima TB and Optima HIV studies. In 2021, within an additional allocation related to COVID-19 prevention and care, PAS Center received resources to implement: (1) Mitigation for TB programs; (2.) Community-led advocacy and research; (3.) Community-based organizations institutional capacity building; (4.) Respond to human rights and gender related barriers to services. The additional allocation will contribute to the recovery of case notification and increase the number of people diagnosed with TB and enrolled in treatment, to reach a high vaccine coverage and to decreased the level of COVID-related stigma. The project is implemented at the national level. |
Period | November, 2020 - December, 2020 |
Budget | USD 8,000 |
Donor | Soros Foundation Moldova |
Description |
The purpose of the project is to assess the level of preparedness, alertness and response in the field of public health of the Republic of Moldova to identify, manage and care for new cases of COVID-19, in the light of the recommendations of the World Health Organization. |
Period | October, 2020 - November, 2020 |
Budget | EUR 9,686 |
Donor | The Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in the Republic of Moldova. Project is funded under the Lithuanian Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Programme. |
Description |
The aim of the project is to support the development of a new model of primary care, based on international practices that have proven effective. The basic objective is: |
Period | October, 2020 - January, 2022 |
Budget | USD 38,000 |
Donor | Soros Foundation Moldova |
Description |
The aim of the project is to increase public awareness and understanding of the response of each individual, community and state authorities to the COVID-19 pandemic in the Republic of Moldova. The basic objectives are:
Period | April, 2020 - December, 2020 |
Budget | USD 22,487 |
Donor | UNFPA Moldova |
Description |
The overall goal of the program is to enhanced health system capacity to develop and implement policies and programs at all levels that ensure equal access to high-quality sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights services, including commodities by those women, adolescents and youth left furthest behind, including in humanitarian settings.
Period | March, 2020 - June, 2020 |
Budget | USD 4,595 |
Donor | Internews Moldova Subgrant |
Description |
The goal of this project was to increase the quality of information on COVID-19 in the Republic of Moldova. On one hand, by training the journalists on reporting crisis information for public health, increase the number of balanced information on COVID 19 in the Republic of Moldova. On the other hand, by building an information campaign on COVID-19 dedicated to the public. The Platform’s team made a series of short video materials with questions and explanations of crisis communication experts in public health emergencies in Moldova or abroad (WHO experts, for example). These was based on general rules that journalists have to take into account when reporting on public health emergencies, as well as on the concrete situations that journalists are facing at the moment, when they are confronted with the COVID-19 pandemic. The video materials answered to many journalists' questions to make more efficient and constructive the communication with the public, but also with the authorities. At the same time, during the information campaign dedicated to the society was used several multimedia elements: video sequences with explanations from doctors and public health experts and other interactive elements. Location: Moldova (at national level). |
Period | January, 2020 - December, 2022 |
Budget | USD 125,000 |
Donor | Soros Foundation-Moldova |
Description |
The purpose of the program is to increase the population's access to medication by improving the legislative framework in the pharmaceutical field. The main objective is to improve the national legislation in the pharmaceutical field with international best practices The activities of the project consist of ex-post legal evaluation and ex-post impact assessment of the existing Law on Pharmaceutical Activity, with the amendments, and elaboration, jointly with the relevant authorities and the academic community in the pharmaceutical field, of the draft Law on Pharmacy (in new wording), the dossier of documents to this draft law (information note, impact analysis, concordance table, etc.), as well as promotion of the draft Law for approval by the Parliament. Location: Moldova (at national level). |
Period | November, 2019 - December, 2020 |
Budget | USD 34,900 |
Donor | Soros-Moldova Foundation |
Description |
The aim: to facilitate the access of the population to essential medicines under ambulatory conditions. Оbjectives:
Period | June, 2019 - August, 2020 |
Budget | USD 29,993 |
Donor | Soros-Moldova Foundation |
Description |
The overall goal of the program: Increased transparency, accountability, economic efficiency and the effectiveness of public money spending by public-funded health institutions. The objective is to implement efficient and effective implementation of the legislative and normative provisions of financial transparency and activity of the public health financial institutions. |
Period | March, 2019 - November, 2019 |
Budget | USD 6,937 |
Donor | Internews Moldova (Subgrant) |
Description |
The overall goal of the program was to combat with facts and with the help of health specialists false information about the challenges people would face when interacting with health related issues. Objectives:
Location: Moldova (at national level). |
Period | March, 2019 - October, 2019 |
Budget | USD 6,937 |
Donor | Internews Moldova |
Description |
The overall goal of the program is to combat with facts and with the help of health specialists false information about the challenges people would face when interacting with health related issues. Objectives: 1) Increasing population's level of health awareness by counteractiogn common myths and misinformation by presenting truthful, evidence-based, expert information; 2) Combating manipulative and distorted information by public and other actors with arguments, references to legislation, analysis, evidence and their presentation in the form of analysis, investigations, news on the Platforma |
Period | January, 2019 - December, 2019 |
Budget | USD 47,539 |
Donor | UNFPA Moldova |
Description |
The overall goal of the program is to enhanced health system capacity to develop and implement policies and programmes at all levels that ensure equal access to high-quality sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights services, including commodities by those women, adolescents and youths left furthest behind, including in humanitarian settings and use of high-quality disaggregated data on sexual and reproductive health, with a focus on young people and gender-based. Objectives: 1) Assessment of the SRH indicators into health system; 2) Study on Teen Pregnancy in Republic of Moldova; 3) Assessment of compliance of services provided by NGOs working with key populations and relevant health care providers with provisions of SWIT, MSMIT, TRANSIT, IDUIT. |
Period | January, 2019 - December, 2021 |
Budget | USD 5,748,822 (including USD 4,998,976 for the main allocation and USD 749,846 for the additional allocation) |
Donor | The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
For the main allocation the overall goal was to foster timely TB case detection and improved treatment outcomes in patients with special emphasis on drug-resistant TB, in eleven Eastern European and Central Asian countries through meaningful involvement of communities and civil society and integrated people-centered TB care delivery systems able to address the needs of key and vulnerable populations. Program interventions was structured around two main objectives:
Location: Eastern European and Central Asian region (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan). The project engaged a wide range of partners at regional level, such as World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe (WHO/Europe), TB Europe Coalition (TBEC), TB People and Global TB Caucus (GTBC), as well as the country level in all 11 countries covered: Ministries of Health, National TB Programs, civil society and affected communities’ organizations. PAS Center successfully completed the three-years project which required good management, communication skills on behalf of PAS Center team to ensure the smooth work of diverse, multicultural teams of partners, including consultants hired for technical assistance. In 2021, within an additional allocation related to COVID-19 prevention and care, PAS Center implemented activities focused on four TB-REP 2.0 countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Moldova), that includes:
Engage TB NGO frontline workers in primary differentiated screening of people with TB/ COVID-19 in need of immediate medical care. |
Period | July, 2018 - March, 2021 |
Budget | USD 423,250 |
Donor | UNOPS/STOP TB Partnership-TB REACH Initiative Wave 6 |
Description |
The overall goal of the program was to produce additional treatment success through scaling up digital treatment adherence approach with proven success and community-led monitoring in Moldova. Program interventions was structured around two objectives:
The project covered 22 administrative units (2 municipalities and 20 districts) from Republic of Moldova, including Transnistria region. |
Period | February, 2018 - December, 2022 |
Budget | USD 204,394 |
Donor | UNFPA Moldova |
Description |
The overall goal of the program is to insure the people of the Republic of Moldova, in particular, the most vulnerable, to demand and benefit from democratic, transparent and accountable governance, gender sensitive, human rights and evidence based public policies, equitable services, efficient, effective and responsive public institutions, inclusive and equitable education, health and social policies and services. The program interventions were structured around two main objectives:
Location: Moldova (at national level), including Transnistria region. |
Period | February, 2018 - December, 2020 |
Budget | USD 271,373 |
Donor | The International Union Against Tuberculosis and lung Disease |
Description |
This scientific project comes to help the NTPs to develop the programmatic activities in the future. The objectives of the project:
The activities are focused on conducting a prospective, genomic analysis of all culture-positive TB cases diagnosed in 2018 and 2019 in the R. Moldova to investigate the distribution and transmission of M.tuberculosis across the country. Phylogenetic methods were used to identify putative transmission clusters and spatial and demographic data were analyzed to further describe local transmission of M tuberculosis strains. This study demonstrates the potential role of comprehensive genomic surveillance for understanding the complex transmission patterns of M.tuberculosis and highlights the urgent need of new interventions to interrupt transmission of highly-resistant M. tuberculosis in Moldova and other high burden MDRTB countries in European Region. |
Period | January, 2018 - December, 2020 |
Budget | USD 3,920,627 |
Donor | The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
The overall goal of the program was to reduce the burden of tuberculosis in Moldova by ensuring universal access to quality diagnoses and treatment, implementing sustainable patients – centered approaches, addressing the needs of high-risk groups and strengthening the National TB Program management capacities. The main activities were focused around 3 objectives:
The project contributed to the implementation of the new technologies for TB diagnoses and the implementation of the new approaches to the care of people with TB (people centered approach). Location: Moldova (at national level), including Transnistria region. |
Period | January, 2018 - December, 2020 |
Budget | EUR 3,960,620 |
Donor | The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
The overall goal of the program is to reduce the burden of tuberculosis in Moldova by ensuring universal access to quality diagnoses and treatment, implementing sustainable patients – centred approaches, addressing the needs of high-risk groups and strengthening NTP management capacity. Objectives: 1) To ensure universal access to timely and high quality of all forms of TB including m/XDR-TB; 2) To strengthen patient- centered approaches to M/XDR-TB treatment; 3) To improve management of HIV- associated tuberculosis. |
Period | January, 2018 - December, 2018 |
Budget | USD 60,295 |
Donor | UNFPA Moldova |
Description |
The overall goal of the program is to enhanced health system capacity to develop and implement policies and programs at all levels that ensure equal access to high-quality sexual andreproductive health and reproductive rights services, including commodities by those women, adolescents and youths left furthest behind, including in humanitarian settings and increased availability and use of high-quality disaggregated data on sexual and reproductive health, with a focus on young people and gender-based. Objectives: 1) Number of NGOs staff trained in using comprehensive HIV Tools for Key Populations (SWIT, MSMIT, TRANSIT, IDUIT); 2) The national health information system includes disaggregated data on sexual and reproductive health and gender-based violence. |
Period | December, 2017 - December, 2019 |
Budget | USD 47,378 |
Donor | Soros Foundation-Moldova |
Description |
The overall goal of the program is to develop and disseminate the palliative care services to ensure access to palliative care as an integral part of the right to healthcare centered on patient's needs. Objectives: 1) To carry out a comprehensive analysis of the evolution of palliative care during the period 2007-2017 in the Republic of Moldova; 2) To carry out a quantitative and qualitative study on the access and quality of palliative care services in the Republic of Moldova; 3) Profduce a Final Report "Palliative Care in the Republic of Moldova. Ten years of change". |
Period | December, 2017 - February, 2022 |
Budget | USD 104,877 |
Donor | Soros Foundation Moldova |
Description |
The aim of the project was to implement in the Republic of Moldova the biopsychosocial model of palliative care financed from the basic fund of compulsory health insurance; to contribute to the approval of the legislation ensuring the provision of palliative care services on a multidisciplinary basis and financed from the basic fund of compulsory health insurance, as well as to the development of a sub-legislative regulatory framework for the organization and functioning of palliative care services in the Republic of Moldova.
The project activities were focused on developing, in partnership with relevant public authorities and palliative care providers, the legislative and regulatory framework for the organization and functioning of palliative care services in the Republic of Moldova, and its approval at Government and Parliament levels. Location: Moldova (at national level). |
Period | November, 2017 - December, 2020 |
Budget | USD 82,278 |
Donor | Soros-Moldova Foundation |
Description |
The aim of the project was to facilitate the access of the population to essential medicines under ambulatory conditions. The objectives of the project were:
Location: Moldova (at national level). |
Period | November, 2017 - June, 2019 |
Budget | USD 70,140 |
Donor | Soros Foundation-Moldova |
Description |
The overall goal of the program is to promote and contribute to improve the implementation in the RM of the National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM) adjusted to the WHO List of Essential Medicines (LEM) and a NLEM with Compensated Medicines List under a transparent, holistic and feasible evaluation, inclusion/exclusion of drugs in the list of compensated within the compulsory health insurance system. Objectives: 1) Assess the implementation of the concept of essential medicines in the national health system and identifying the factors for enhancing the transfer of the concept into the national practice; 2) Analyze the evaluation mechanism, inclusion/exclusion of drugs in the list of compensations within the compulsory health insurance system. |
Period | June, 2017 - June, 2018 |
Budget | USD 36,000 |
Donor | Soros Foundation-Moldova |
Description |
The overall goal of the program is to monitor and promote the transparency of the use of public money in the health insurance system, ensuring access to the entire process, starting from the decisions of the Management Board of the National Health Insurance Company (NHIC), public/private medical and sanitary institutions and reporting. The objective of the Programme is to present the information to decision-makers within the NHIC (Decisions of the Management Board, strategies, internal departments, financial reports, etc.) in order to promote the transparency of the process of allocating the public money intended for the contracting of public/private medical institutions. |
Period | October, 2016 - January, 2020 |
Budget | USD 730,000 |
Donor | The World Bank / Global Partnership for Social Accountability |
Description |
The overall goal of the program was to inform users of health services in selected rayons about the performance, quality, and efficiency of hospitals and primary care clinics within a certain radius of their residence in order to improve service delivery. The project consisted of four components:
The project assisted the Government’s effort to improve health governance, increase health sector development effectiveness and empower citizens through enabling the appropriate environment for social accountability interventions in Moldova. There were enforced the mechanisms of accountability, including efforts to enhance citizen knowledge and use of conventional mechanisms, through promoting transparency and civic engagement. The project comprised a set of interventions, which enabled citizens and civil society organizations to hold the public authorities accountable. Location: Moldova (at national level). |
Period | January, 2016 - December, 2018 |
Budget | USD 6,051,191 |
Donor | The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
The overall goal of TB-REP is to improve TB and DR-TB outcomes in the targeted EECA countries through a health systems strengthening approach that leads to the wide adoption of patient centred approaches for the provision of TB and DR-TB prevention, treatment, and care services. Program interventions was structured around three objectives:
Organizations participating in TB-REP include the Moldovan nongovernmental organization PAS Center as the principal recipient, World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe as lead technical partner, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, the London School of Economics and Political Science, the European Respiratory Society, the Stop TB Partnership, the TB Europe Coalition and the Alliance for Public Health Ukraine. Location: Eastern European and Central Asian region (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan). |
Period | July, 2015 - December, 2017 |
Budget | EUR 6,116,310 |
Donor | Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
The overall goal of the program is to reduce the burden of tuberculosis (including M/XDR-TB) in Moldova by ensuring universal access to quality diagnosis and treatment, implementing sustainable patient-centered approaches, addressing the needs of high-risk groups and strengthening NTP management capacity. Objectives: 1) To ensure universal access to timely and quality diagnosis of all forms of TB including M/XDR-TB; 2) To ensure universal access to quality treatment of all forms of TB including M/XDR-TB; 3) To strengthen patient-centered approaches to M/XDR-TB treatment; 4) To improve management of HIV-associated tuberculosis; 5) To strengthen national TB control program management, coordination, monitoring and evaluation. |
Period | January, 2015 - December, 2017 |
Budget | EUR 8,248,729 |
Donor | The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
The overall goal of the program is to support an effective response to HIV in the Republic of Moldova in order to reduce prevalence among KAP and AIDS related mortality through improving access KAP to essential HIV prevention, diagnostic, treatment, care and support services. Objectives: 1) To increase access to evidence-based HIV prevention; 2) To ensure universal access to comprehensive HIV treatment, care and support; 3) To strengthen community capacity and ensure program sustainability. |
Period | October, 2014 - March, 2016 |
Budget | USD 929,682 |
Donor | Stop TB Partnership, WHO, TB Reach Wave-4 |
Description |
Goal of the project to expand access to rapid diagnosis of TB and MDR-TB in Moldova by Xpert MTB/RIF, with special emphasis on high risk groups. Objectives: 1) Rollout of Xpert technology to the district level; 2) Intensified TB case finding in prisoners using Xpert testing and strengthening TB information system in the penitentiary sector; 3) Intensified TB case finding in PLWH tusing Xpert testing. |
Period | October, 2011 - September, 2014 |
Budget | USD 996,964 |
Donor | Stop TB Partnership, WHO, TB Reach Wave-2 |
Description |
The overall goal of the program is to enhance TB diagnosis and MDR detection by rolling out Xpert MTB/RIF technology at district level, with special emphasis on High-risk groups-prisoners and PLWH. Objectives: 1) Rollout of Xpert technology to the district level; 2) Intensified TB case finding in prisoners by Xpert and strengthening TB information system in the penitentiary sector; 3) Intensified TB case finding in PLWH by Xpert. |
Period | April, 2011 - December, 2011 |
Budget | EUR 18,890 |
Donor | Soros Foundation Moldova, Centre for Early Intervention „Voinicel” (Moldova) |
Description |
The overall goal of the program is to development of the legal framework for Early Childhood Intervention in the Republic of Moldova. The objective of the Programme is to support development of legal and policy framework to integrate early childhood interventions for children with disabilities into existing systems in the Republic of Moldova; support central and local authorities to strengthen monitoring and evaluation system on child disability. |
Period | February, 2011 - March, 2017 |
Budget | USD 46,619 per year |
Donor | Bloomberg Philanthropies through Tobacco - Free Kids Action Fund |
Description |
The overall goal of the program is to align national legal framework according to WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control provisions and development of an efficient implementing mechanism. Objectives: 1) To promote establishment and build capacity of the National Coordinating Council for Tobacco Control. 2) To advocate for the strong FCTC-compliant tobacco control legislation through NCCTC. 3) To advocate for the passage of the FCTC-compliant legislation. |
Period | October, 2010 - June, 2015 |
Budget | EUR 7,434,590 |
Donor | Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
The overall goal is to reduce the burden of Tuberculosis in the Republic of Moldova. Objectives: First Implementation Period (October, 2010- December, 2012) 1) To ensure universal access to diagnosis and treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis; 2) Mobilize resources to support community-level partnerships; 3) Remove barriers to care for poor and other vulnerable communities; 4) Strengthen the health system and engage all available partners in TB control; 5) Advocacy, communication and social mobilization (ACSM); 6) Integrate TB services on both sides of the prison walls; and 7) Operational research in priority issues of TB.
Second Implementation Period (January, 2013- June,2015) 1) To strengthen community involvement and foster partnerships for effective TB control; 2) To ensure successful TB case management through patient support and strengthening health system capacities. |
Period | March, 2010 - December, 2020 |
Budget | USD 1,212,351 |
Donor | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
Description |
The overall goal of the program is to sustaining Influenza Surveillance Networks and Response to Seasonal and Pandemic Influenza in the Republic of Moldova. Objectives: 1) Strengthen and maintain national routine influenza reporting as part of surveillance; 2) Review the national influenza surveillance and control system to identify shortcoming and challenges with regard to epidemiological and virological data collection, analysis, reporting, and information sharing and implementation public health measures; 3) Strengthen and maintain sentinel surveillance for SARI, ARI and ILI and expand the number of Hospital -based surveillance sentinel sites; 4) Strengthen and maintain laboratory capacities for influenza testing and reporting at the National Viral Laboratory; 5) Improve and maintain an information management system for influenza surveillance data. |
Period | January, 2010 - December, 2020 |
Budget | USD 49,500 per year |
Donor | Soros Foundation-Moldova |
Description |
The overall goal of the program is to maintain and develop sustainable mechanisms for independent and neutral monitoring of health policies in order to promote good governance in the Republic of Moldova’s health system. The objective is to monitor central and local health authorities’ actions through constant monitoring of public policy development and subsequent reflection in mass media. The project aims to solve problems in the health system by establishing a broad dialogue between the central government (Ministry of Health), consumers of health services, civil society, multilateral and bilateral international institutions, and the other parties as well, by creating a mechanism to monitor the health system situation and the impact of policies and interventions on the health reforms stipulated in the governmental policy documents, sectoral and intersectoral policies in the field of health. This information is accessible to the public, for those who will make decisions and also for foreign partners and other stakeholders. Location: Moldova (at national level). |
Period | January, 2010 - December, 2014 |
Budget | EUR 12,057,410 |
Donor | The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
The overall goal of the program is to ensure prevention among key affected populations, reduction of the negative impact of the epidemic through provision of care, treatment and support to PLHIV. Objectives: 1) To develop capacity and ensure sustainability; 2) To support PLHIV, PWID and ensure sustainability; and 3) To ensure engagement of civil society and key affected populations and promote human rights. The key activities implemented to reach these objectives were: 1) improving previously achieved performances to ensure higher accessibility for PLHIV to medical and no-medical services; 2) institutionalizing capacity building of service providers in HIV/AIDS through e-learning; 3) monitoring and supervision of social assistance for PLHIV; 4) increasing quality of life and improving OST adherence; 5) psycho-social support to PWID and ensuring OST adherence; 6) supporting children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS; 7) strengthening Regional Social Centers for PLHIV; 8) assessing the situation on human rights and HIV; 9) providing legal support and litigation; and 10) ensuring engagement of civil society and key affected population. Direct target group/beneficiaries of this project are: HIV infected adults and children. Indirect target group are: Health and social protection specialists, namely: key stakeholders at the national and relevant line institutions, primary health care providers, infectious disease physicians, MDT Care Team professionals, members of ARV teams, students of Medical University and Colleges, students of social assistance departments within Moldovan Universities, social assistants, public health managers, service providers in HIV/AIDS, NGOs and lawyers, actively working in HIV/AIDS etc. |
Period | September, 2009 - December, 2020 |
Budget | USD 550,317.41 |
Donor | The Regents of the University of California, San Diego |
Description |
The Programme was focused on the evaluation of the accuracy of the Akonni Biosystems XDR-TB TruArray and lateral-flow cell (XDR-LFC) assay, a novel assay that detects mutations in seven genes known to confer resistance to antitb drugs: katG, inhA promoter, and ahpC promoter (isoniazid), rpoB (rifampin), gyrA (fluoroquinolones), rrs and eis (kanamycin), and rrs (capreomycin and amikacin). The objectives of the Programme was:
The evaluation of assay performance was based on using of direct sputum samples from 566 patients from Moldova over 2 years. Rapid sputum-based resistance testing for drugs including bedaquiline, linezolid, and delaminid, among others, will be increasingly valuable given growing widespread use in Moldova and other high burden MDRTB countries globally. The results of study comes to help the WHO to develop TB strategic action plan for the next years. |
Period | May, 2009 - April, 2011 |
Budget | USD 1,383,760 |
Donor | Japan Social Development Fund through World Bank |
Description |
The aim of the project is the prevention of viral hepatitis B and C, as well as the further development of a quality blood service. Project objectives: 1) To increase the knowledge on ways of transmitting viral hepatitis among the vulnerable population (youth, migrants, rural population) and key population at risk (commercial sex workers, drug users, prisoners); 2) To promote the use of Voluntary Counseling and Testing services for HIV and Hepatitis B and C; 3) To develop an all-volunteer blood donation pilot program and high-quality sustainable blood services |
Period | May, 2008 - September, 2009 |
Budget | USD 24,079 |
Donor | Soros Foundation-Moldova |
Description |
The overall goal of the program is to providing social support and increasing PLWH compliance to ARV treatment. The objective of the Programme is to providing reimbursement for travel expense for PLWH that came to the Republic Institution (DDVR) for monitoring, receiving ARV therapy and peer to peer counseling. |
Period | January, 2008 - December, 2009 |
Budget | USD 67,500 |
Donor | The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Round 6) |
Description |
The overall goal of the program is to expand HIV prevention, treatment and care, to ensure universal access to Highly-active antiretroviral treatment (HAART), to increase voluntary counseling and testing among those at highest risk, and to scale up prevention for the vulnerable groups. Project objectives: 1) To reduce sexual and mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HIV/STIs and transmission of HIV via needle sharing by scaling up the access of population to prevention and testing services; 2) To foster equal access of PLWHA through epansion of social and health services and measures to combat discrimination and stigma; 3) To strengthen government and community capacity to cope with the HIV epidemic, through partnerships and enhanced and coordination. |
Period | January, 2008 - December, 2009 |
Budget | USD 275,550 |
Donor | The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Round 6) |
Description |
The overall goal of the program is to support orphans and vulnerable to HIV children through expansion of social and health services and applaying measures to combat discrimination and stigma. Project objectives: 1) To strengthen social services for children infected with and affected by HIV/AIDS through extending and developing existing network of playrooms in Moldova, including the children room from the ARV Treatment Department; 2) To improve quality of life of children vulnerable to HIV through the organization of summer camps for rehabilitation of children and training of parents. |
Period | October, 2007 - September, 2012 |
Budget | USD 738,659 |
Donor | The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Round 6) |
Description |
The overall goal of the program is to reduce the burden of the TB. Project objectives: 1) To strengthen DOTS realization to improve TB detection and case management; 2) To improve management of drug resistant tuberculosis by extension of implemented DOTS-Plus Project 3) To strengthen the management and coordinator of the National Healthcare System for TB patients&Management of project; 4) To increase public awareness of tuberculosis, reduce stigmatization. |
Period | May, 2007 - May, 2008 |
Budget | USD 63,706 |
Donor | The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Description |
The overall goal of the program is to support the Government's efforts to control HIV/AIDS. The objective of the Programme is to assist the country to achieve its health -related Millennium Development Goals (MDG) through improving Moldova's health status by reducing mortality, morbidity and transmission of Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections. |
Period | May, 2007 - December, 2024 |
Budget | USD 4,000 per year |
Donor | American Austrian Foundation, Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture and The Open Society Foundations |
Description |
The overall goal of the program is to development of human resources in the health sector. The objective of the Programme is to systematic strengthening of human and organizational capacity across the entire spectrum of institutions (hospitals, clinics, districts' administration in health sector, medical university, medical colleges) and health issues(including infectious diseases, the training of the professionals in health, extension of the medical services in primary health care , and quality improvement, etc.). |