
Centrul pentru politici și analize în sănătate

TB-REP 2.0: Promovarea îngrijirii de calitate TB centrate pe necesitățile persoanelor - de la noul model de îngrijire spre îmbunătățirea detectării precoce a TB-DR și a rezultatelor tratamentului

Состоялся первый вебинар Виртуального медицинского консилиума ВЕЦА по ..

23.10.2020 10:42:50

7 октября 2020 года состоялся первый вебинар Виртуального медицинского консилиума (ВМК), созданного Европейским Региональным Бюро ВОЗ при поддержке Це ..

Презентация оценки сообщества, прав и гендера в контексте ТБ на #Union ..

22.10.2020 09:00:08

Приглашаем 23 октября в 15:00 (CEST) на онлайн дискуссию по результатам оценки сообщества, прав и гендера в контексте ТБ, организованной командой #TB_ ..

A memorandum of cooperation between the National Center for Tuberculos ..

09.10.2020 15:10:52

On October 2, a quadripartite memorandum of cooperation was signed among the National Center for Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases, New Vector, TB People ..

Training on Tuberculosis for people living with HIV took place in Uzbe ..

09.10.2020 15:03:56

On September 28-29, an online training on Tuberculosis for people living with HIV took place in Uzbekistan. The event was held by the organization "Is ..

Kazahstanul dezvoltă un algoritm de gestionare a cazurilor pentru pers ..

09.10.2020 14:59:54

La 15 septembrie 2020, la Almaty, cu sprijinul TB-REP 2.0, Uniunea Kazahstanului a persoanelor care trăiesc cu HIV a organizat o consultare națională ..

TBpeople Ukraine continuă să îi susțină pe cei care au nevoie de ajuto ..

09.10.2020 14:52:10

Echipa TBpeople Ukraine răspunde la fiecare solicitare care vine prin intermediul aplicației. ”Este important pentru noi ca persoanele afectate de tub ..

Coaliția ONG-urilor pentru combaterea tuberculozei din Azerbaidjan pre ..

09.10.2020 14:44:09

„Saglamliga Khidmat” continuă seria de evenimente de informare pentru a promova aplicația OneImpact.

Tbpeople Ukraine: together we can change the system for the better.

09.10.2020 14:36:05

TBpeople Ukraine lead a comprehensive implementation of the OneImpact mobile application in Ukraine as an effective tool for monitoring the barriers f ..

Women in Azerbaijan received an effective tool to protect their rights ..

09.10.2020 14:30:28

As it has been already mentioned, there has been conducted more than 16 trainings on OneImpact app at medical institutions by the "Saglamliga Khidmat" ..

Over 200 people downloaded OneImpact app in Azerbaijan in a period of ..

09.10.2020 14:21:02

Since the start of the training and advocacy campaign to promote OneImpact in Azerbaijan, the "Saglamliga Khidmat" team have held 16 trainings for hea ..

Legal assistance will be available to users of the OneImpact app in Uk ..

09.10.2020 14:13:13

The Tbpeople Ukraine team signed a memorandum on cooperation with the Legal Aid Coordination Center and on a work plan with the Kiev Pravoberezhny Loc ..

In a year, the OneImpact application has been installed and logged in ..

09.10.2020 11:31:44

In 2019 Partners TB-REP 2.0 TBpeople Ukraine began the process of adapting the OneImpact mobile application. And today the application is available th ..