
Centrul pentru politici și analize în sănătate

TB-REP 2.0: Promovarea îngrijirii de calitate TB centrate pe necesitățile persoanelor - de la noul model de îngrijire spre îmbunătățirea detectării precoce a TB-DR și a rezultatelor tratamentului

Implementing Universal Health Insurance in Armenia and Financing HIV/AIDS and TB Programs

Implementing Universal Health Insurance in Armenia and Financing HIV/AIDS and TB Programs

15.11.2019 20:10

Implementation of universal health coverage is an important objective in reforming health care systems in TB-REP 2.0 partner countries. Although the project does not work directly on universal health coverage, one of the project’s priorities is sustainable funding for tuberculosis care in the face of reduced funding from the Global Fund. Therefore, countries may receive technical support in this area when necessary.

Support was provided to Armenia in relation to the activation of health care reforms and the implementation of universal health insurance (as the terms is used in this country). To aid the discussion of a Concept Note for Introduction of Universal Health Insurance in Armenia in terms of financing the HIV/AIDS and TB programs with Universal Health Insurance funds, WHO expert Marat Kaliev prepared proposals based on an analysis of several post-Soviet countries which have implemented or are implementing universal health insurance. 

The three-day discussion took place with the Armenian WHO country office, the Concept Note creators, Ministry of Health representatives, and other interested parties. The detailed and constructive conversation touched on practically all aspects of the future reforms.

The first day started with a discussion on the formation of universal health insurance, it’s goals and objectives, developing a basic package of services for high prevalence diseases, and the cost of treatment. The second day moved on to how the universal health insurance Concept must reflect the key positions of already-existing legislation on medical insurance. The universal health insurance’s fund and its management structure were determined. On the third and final day, the recommendations were clarified and suggestions were added to the Concept Note. The results of the discussion were presented to representatives of the Ministries of Health and Finance.

Some of the questions, recommendations, and suggestions connected with HIV/AIDS and TB programs made during the meeting with WHO expert Marat Kaliev which must be taken into consideration when implementing universal health insurance in Armenia are:

  • The importance of the principle of provision of services for all; HIV/AIDS and TB programs should not be separated into insured and uninsured categories.
  • The Ministry of Health, National Health Institute, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, National TB Control Program, Armenian National Tuberculosis Center, Republican Center for the Prevention of AIDS, and other organizations must undergo changes according to the conditions of new models in providing service and in their accounting and financial flows for the increase in effectiveness.
  • Provision of drugs, centralized purchasing, further logistics and transport of ARVT and TB treatment can be delegated to one of the medical centers of the Medical Insurance Fund.
  • Prevention and social services which are currently provided by nonprofit NGOs cannot be ignored; it is possible to apply new models to fund them.

Also, the findings and recommendations will be taken into account for the development of the National Strategic Plan that is happening currently.

