
Centrul pentru politici și analize în sănătate

TB-REP 2.0: Promovarea îngrijirii de calitate TB centrate pe necesitățile persoanelor - de la noul model de îngrijire spre îmbunătățirea detectării precoce a TB-DR și a rezultatelor tratamentului

A TB-REP 2.0 Coaching Team traveled to Baku, Azerbaijan on November 12th-14th

A TB-REP 2.0 Coaching Team traveled to Baku, Azerbaijan on November 12th-14th

18.11.2019 15:32

A TB-REP 2.0 Coaching Team traveled to Baku, Azerbaijan on November 12th-14th. TB Europe Coalition (TBEC) and Center for Health Policies and Studies (PAS Center) representatives visited the capital city to build civil society capacity and contribute to moving partners towards ensuring people-centered TB services in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The visit provided exciting opportunities to establish dialogue between diverse stakeholders. Local NGO Saglamliga Khidmat representatives accompanied the Coaching Team to meetings with Ministry of Health (MOH), State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance, National TB Program (NTP), and WHO representatives, as well as Parliament members, doctors, and CSOs representatives.

During the meetings, the Team promoted a National Dialogue for key stakeholders and decision-makers in the Republic of Azerbaijan as a step towards unifying approaches and building partnerships with civil society, TB-affected communities, the NTP, and health workers.

Saglamliga Khidmat coordinates the TB Azerbaijan Coalition, which links TB sector organizations and enables their collaboration. The Coaching Team noted the leadership's competence to respond to local circumstances but funding is needed to expand their support of national activities against TB.

The recently-created Council for State Support of NGOs provides grants supporting work in welfare fields. While TB activities are currently not included, TB will be a priority in the next call. Further interventions are vital to boost acknowledgement of CSO's involvement and their role as more than advocates with information campaigns.

Gradual shifts in Azerbaijan are powering TB reform. The Republic of Azerbaijan is initiating mandatory health insurance. The insurance program was piloted in three regions and will be launched nationwide January 1st, 2020.

The basic insurance package includes X-rays and funds hospitals where TB care is provided. While TB-specific services are not yet part of the package, the State Agency on Mandatory Health insurance do not exclude that TB services will be included in the coming years and also indicated support for people-centered care.

Program partners have an important role to ensure a comprehensive insurance package. Work to demonstrate social support for patients as an inalienable element of TB care is underway with TB-REP's technical partner, the WHO Regional office for Europe.

Beyond working on existing measures, there are upcoming opportunities for CSOs to impact policy. Saglamliga Khidmat and the Coalition are involved in the preparation of the next National TB Plan which will run 2021-2025 as well as the next Global Fund application.
