
Centrul pentru politici și analize în sănătate

TB-REP 2.0: Promovarea îngrijirii de calitate TB centrate pe necesitățile persoanelor - de la noul model de îngrijire spre îmbunătățirea detectării precoce a TB-DR și a rezultatelor tratamentului

Coaching Visit to CSO in Armenia

Coaching Visit to CSO in Armenia

30.09.2019 16:39

TB-REP 2.0 project, the ultimate goal of which is to significantly improve the detection, diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis (TB), and especially drug-resistant TB in the EECA region, provides not only for strengthening of the health care systems, which should result in positive changes in the activity of TB care services, but also for the development of civil society organizations involved in TB control. As namely they play a great role in the large scale implementation of an innovative people-centred model of TB care in the countries of the project. Therefore, coaching visits to civil society organizations of the participating countries carried out by the representatives of partner organizations and the principal recipient of the GF grant constitute an important component of the project.

One of the regular visits of this kind took place on 24-26 September. A team of TB-REP 2.0 partners representing TBEC and PAS Center went to Yerevan. They had to:

  • Get acquainted on-site with the work of the „Positive People Armenian Network“ (PPAN) organization, participant in the small grants program of TB-REP 2.0 project, the ways PPAN collaborates with the NTP, WHO, Armenian civil society organizations and communities affected by TB.
  • Identify the strong and weak points of the PPAN in the context of achieving the goals outlined in the implementation plan the project they implement, determine what should be done to develop the capacity of this organization and provide it with the necessary support.

The agenda of this short visit was very busy and included both individual meetings with the leaders of national and international organizations that are directly or indirectly related to TB control, and group discussions concerning the issues of interest to experts. Representatives of Standing Committee on Health Care and Social Affairs, NTP of Armenia, WHO Country Office, GF program coordination group at the Ministry of Health of Armenia, School of Public Health of the American University of Armenia,,, Armenian Red Cross Society, shared with the coaching team their experience of cooperation with civil society organizations of Armenia and, in particular, with the PPAN. During the meetings with representatives of civil society organizations („New Generation“, „Real World, Real People“, „TB and Me“) and the PPAN team there were held lively discussions about the challenges that civil society organizations face in their work. As noted by the participants of the meeting, difficulties are often associated with their lack of experience in organizational and advocacy activities, as well as with their being recently involved in TB control.

These meetings, analysis of a number of documents allowed the members of the coaching team to come to the conclusion that civil society organizations involved in TB control, although their number is small, can play a significant role in TB control in the country. However, for this they need training and technical support in establishing working contacts and cooperation with other civil society organizations, especially with organizations of former TB patients, with NTP, parliamentary committees and others.

Statements heard during the meetings:

  • To end tuberculosis in Armenia, the stigma against TB patients must be eradicated and the community strengthening is needed to support persons with TB. 
  • The work of civil society organizations in the field of tuberculosis control can be successful only if it is carried out in coordination with all parties involved in this process and is headed by the NTP, which has a complete picture of the situation concerning this disease in the country.
  • All parties interested in ending tuberculosis in the country parliamentarians, the Ministry of Health, NTP, civil society must and can work together.    
