
Centrul pentru politici și analize în sănătate

TB-REP 2.0: Promovarea îngrijirii de calitate TB centrate pe necesitățile persoanelor - de la noul model de îngrijire spre îmbunătățirea detectării precoce a TB-DR și a rezultatelor tratamentului

District libraries - guides for knowledge on tuberculosis

District libraries - guides for knowledge on tuberculosis

25.09.2019 15:14

Last years, district libraries have become increasingly popular among the population in Moldova, many of them have been repaired, equipped with computers and other devices, connected to the Internet and now provide residents with a wider range of services. Libraries are actively visited by people of different ages and professions. Here they receive qualified support in finding the necessary information, can replenish their knowledge, find books for leisure.

With this in mind, Moldova National Association of Tuberculosis Patients - SMIT, the TB-REP 2.0 grantee in Moldova, proposed organizing in the district libraries, “Health corners” with information on tuberculosis and a healthy lifestyle. The SMIT Association was able to fill a seemingly simple form with new content. A special stand with informational materials on tuberculosis provided by PAS Center is set up in libraries, and informational sessions are held regularly. They are designed mainly for small groups of young people and offer screening of movies of the edutainment genre that present information about the disease in an artistic form. The opening of such corners is accompanied by meetings with employees of the primary and specialised health care, the district health care services and social assistance, as well as librarians from all over the region. During these meetings, participants are introduced to the features and advantages of the people-centred TB care model.

In September such "corners” were opened in the libraries in Soroca (17.09) and Comrat (23.09). The importance given to this form of work with the population can be judged by the fact that senior officials from local mayor’s offices and public health care institutions took part in the events, and employees of social services and educational institutions attended the first information sessions. In total, 11 such corners have already been opened in the country, and by the end of the project they will be numbering 16.

"Centre for Documentation and Information / M. Sadoveanu Public Library” always participates in supporting of social activities with great dedication. Therefore, we warmly welcome the opening of the "Health Corner", which will be used without any doubts in our future events. As a person who has been ill with tuberculosis, I understand the significance and importance of support from family, doctors, friends and entire society during treatment.”


Ms. Eugenia Railean, Director of the Centre for Documentation and Information / M. Sadoveanu Public Library, Soroca   
