
Centrul pentru politici și analize în sănătate

TB-REP 2.0: Promovarea îngrijirii de calitate TB centrate pe necesitățile persoanelor - de la noul model de îngrijire spre îmbunătățirea detectării precoce a TB-DR și a rezultatelor tratamentului

The online learning platform #TeachMeTB has been launched on the E-RESOURCES platform

The online learning platform #TeachMeTB has been launched on the E-RESOURCES platform

29.01.2021 09:24

We continue to talk about TB-REP 2.0 E-RESOURCES ( We are pleased to present the #TeachMeTB e-learning platform as the first of the seven resource center components. It was developed by the Tbpeople experts in partnership with PAS Center to build the capacity of community groups and civil society organizations involved in TB advocacy and service delivery.

"Teach Me TB" or "Tell me about tuberculosis" is an electronic training platform, which provides potential users will with up-to-date and reliable information on detection, diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis and creates conditions for performing social activity by people affected by tuberculosis, for free communication with peers and with a wide range of professionals involved in tuberculosis control.

The first training course “The Fundamentals of Tuberculosis Knowledge” is already available on the platform and a number of new courses are being developed. Note that TeachMeTB educational content will be useful to representatives of civil society, specialists in the field of access to TB treatment and CRG, human rights defenders and representatives of communities affected by TB.

“One of the measures to effectively fight the tuberculosis epidemic is education so that all stakeholders gain in-depth knowledge and skills in the diagnosis and treatment, care and support of people affected by TB. The first online course “The Fundamentals of Tuberculosis Knowledge” is an affordable, self-paced way of learning, allowing the participant to register at any time and read the training materials on a convenient schedule, and upon completion of the course to receive a certificate, ” said Mari Chokheli, TBpeople network.

“The e-course is a collaborative effort between the community and healthcare professionals to raise awareness of TB. This is an opportunity to keep abreast of innovative approaches to treatment and support for people with TB. Knowledge is power, together we will defeat tuberculosis, ”said Nikoloz Mirzashvili, TBpeople network. Go to TeachMeTB platform:
