
Center For Health Policies and Studies

TB-REP 2.0: Advancing People-Centered Quality TB Care - From the New Model of Care Towards Improving DR-TB Early Detection and Treatment Outcomes

Kazakhstan summed up the results of the implementation of the mobile application OneImpact Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan summed up the results of the implementation of the mobile application OneImpact Kazakhstan

11/8/2021 2:41 PM

On November 4, 2021, a "Working meeting on the results of the implementation of the OneImpact Kazakhstan mobile application in 6 regions of Kazakhstan" was held in Almaty. Representatives of government stakeholders, regional coordinators, the project team of the ALE "Kazakhstan Union of People Living with HIV" and people affected by tuberculosis discussed the results of 9 months of activity and further steps to ensure the sustainability of the project, and shared recommendations on the ways to eliminate the main barriers detected in this period.

Cristina Celan, PAS Center, spoke about the experience of implementing OneImpact in other countries and the importance of monitoring the access to the service for the community of people affected by TB.

First of all, I would like to congratulate my colleagues from Kazakhstan for the successful implementation of this very significant intervention. Thanks to your efforts, a very fast and productive process has been set out in Kazakhstan. Also, I want to thank the colleagues from the National Tuberculosis Program for their support, as the success and the expansion of the MPC OneImpact platform is possible due to precisely this kind of partnership and support,” said Cristina Celan in her speech.

Also, the representative of the PAS Center gave a brief overview of what is meant by community-based monitoring (CBM), which is at the heart of the development of the application and what are the next steps in handing the platform to the country partners.

The CBM is built upon the routine and systematic monitoring of social and health services and community members engagement in consultations to identify systemic needs and gaps, and to inform campaigns and advocacy strategies. Empowerment, involvement and support of the TB community advance people-centered approach,” - underlined Cristina Celan.

At the end of the presentation, Dr. Malik Adenov, Director of the National Scientific Center for Phthisiopulmonology of the Republic of Kazakhstan thanked the TB REP, TB REP 2.0 and the PAS Center project team in particular for the tremendous work done in the countries of the EECA region and expressed hope for long and fruitful cooperation.

The OneImpact mobile application was created for communities affected by tuberculosis, with the help of which a person can increase their knowledge of TB, find the nearest medical center, communicate and report their concerns. The platform enables community organizations to respond to issues reported by people seeking TB care and support, and generate data to improve local and national TB responses.

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