
Centrul pentru politici și analize în sănătate

TB-REP 2.0: Promovarea îngrijirii de calitate TB centrate pe necesitățile persoanelor - de la noul model de îngrijire spre îmbunătățirea detectării precoce a TB-DR și a rezultatelor tratamentului

Ukraine and Kazakhstan Mps meet online for bilateral on TB

Ukraine and Kazakhstan Mps meet online for bilateral on TB

13.11.2020 14:08

On November, heads of national TB Caucuses from Kazakhstan and Ukraine met online to discuss experiences from both countries in tackling TB during the Covid-19 pandemic and help ensure the protection and strengthening of TB services.

Due to travel restrictions, previously planned bilateral and multilateral delegations could not be conducted. With the help of regional partners, the Global TB Caucus Secretariat moved those encounters online, focusing on parliamentary engagement at the national level.

National progresses need to be shared among countries to improve TB and COVID-19 response and foster regional collaboration. Such a statement was approved by heads of national TB Caucuses of EECA region on October 13, 2020 at their regular meeting. During this discussion, Ms. Zauresh Amanjolova, MP presented the experience of Kazakhstan, which could be of interest to implementation in Ukraine. Therefore, it was decided to organize a bilateral meeting for exchanging experiences, as well as to discuss further steps for main TB stakeholders of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of protecting the rights of TB patients in the context of COVID-19.

During the on-line bilateral meeting the experiences of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Ukraine were discussed:

  1. in promoting legislative support for TB issues through the work on the Health Code;
  2. in actively promoting TB patient support in the TB budget adoption process;
  3. in the field of protecting the interests of TB patients in the context of the Covid-19 epidemic at the decision-making level, such as the Resolution on COVID and its impact on TB and its adoption at the national level.

Results of the meeting:

  1. Participants agreed on the further adoption of the national resolution on the topic of COVID-19 and its impact on TB, taking into account the interests of the civil society and TB patients. This resolution can serve as a basis for the further work of parliamentarians in national parliaments to fight tuberculosis and protect the rights of TB patients in the context of the coronavirus. And it will also be an example of cooperation between civil society and parliamentarians.
  2. Agreed on the next meeting between the Head of the national TB Caucus of Kazakhstan and a representative of civil society.
  3. Agreed to continue the cooperation between countries with the need to share the national experiences in tackling TB by organizing this type of on-line meeting. All participants were satisfied about the outcomes of the meeting.
  4. Exchanged experiences that can be used by participants from both sides in conducting an assessment of the community, rights, gender and stigma dimensions of TB care to strengthen strategies for both providing services and enhancing access to treatment and disease control.
  5. Provided an analysis of the political environment regarding the involvement of CSOs in providing TB services, and approaches to the implementation of social contracting for the provision of services to key populations affected by TB;
  6. Analyzed the legal environment regarding the implementation of the governmental social contracting in Kazakhstan.
  7. Provided support for main national TB stakeholders from Kazakhstan and Ukraine in resolving problems of the community, rights, gender and stigma dimensions of TB care to strengthen strategies for both providing services and enhancing access to treatment and disease control.

This meeting was held as part of the TB-REP 2.0, a project funded by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and implemented by the Center for Health Policies and Studies (PAS Center) of the Republic of Moldova as the principal recipient, in collaboration with partners: WHO/Europe, Global TB Caucus, TB Europe Coalition and TB People.
