
Center For Health Policies and Studies

First National Dialogue to ensure provision of quality people-centered TB services in the Republic of Belarus

First National Dialogue to ensure provision of quality people-centered TB services in the Republic of Belarus

9/4/2019 6:38 PM
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On August 6-7, TB Europe Coalition for Tuberculosis Control held the First National Dialogue to develop partnership between civil society, TB-affected communities, National TB Programme and healthcare providers to ensure provision of quality people-centered TB services in the Republic of Belarus.

45 experts and decision makers gathered on August 6-7, 2019 with the idea to jointly develop an action plan to develop people-centered TB care and foster an effective cooperation between civil society organizations and the state health service. The event was held with the support of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, the WHO Country office and PAS Center within the TB REP 2.0 grant allocated by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. 

It was of high importance that all necessary stakeholders took part in the Dialogue: people who survived TB, representatives of civil society, two members of the Parliament, heads of regional health departments, heads of the Ministry of Health and TB service, experts from international organisations, as well as journalists.

The key theme discussed at the National Dialogue was the development of state social contracting in TB care. What distinguished this dialogue from other similar events - was the participation of a prominent group of people who survived TB who spoke at the dialogue on an equal footing with doctors and healthcare managers.

The group work allowed to discuss in detail barriers in the provision of people-centered care, and a solution was proposed for each barrier. With the support of the Global Fund Grant Management Department in the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, proposed solutions will be included in the “State Transition Plan to ensure State funding of the Prevention, Treatment, Care and Support Programs for HIV/AIDS and TB in the Belarus for 2019-2021”. Another important outcome of the national dialogue was the creation of a civil society platform in the field of TB to coordinate joint activities and monitor implementation of decisions and activities within the Transition Plan.

The event had quite wide media coverage on the national and international level. Available publications can be found at: Belarus Segodnya, Sputnik, BelNovosti, Zviazdanews on the Republican Parliament website, TB Europe Coalition.

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