
Center For Health Policies and Studies

TB-REP 2.0  supports countries to close the gap on finding and treating all missing persons with TB

TB-REP 2.0 supports countries to close the gap on finding and treating all missing persons with TB

9/4/2019 6:30 PM
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On August 06-08, 2019, in Tbilisi, Georgia, the PAS Center, jointly with its implementing partners of TB Regional EECA Project “Advancing people-centered quality TB care - From the New Model of Care Towards Improving DR-TB Early Detection and Treatment Outcomes” (TB-REP 2.0) held a workshop for civil society organizations from four countries:  Georgia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.  This intervention is designed to collect evidence on existing barriers to find people with TB who are missed by healthcare systems. As part of the project aim to strengthen case finding strategies, especially for key populations, TB-REP 2.0 supports countries in conducting gender, human rights and legal environment assessments with respect to TB care. The assessments will allow countries identifying how community, rights, and gender-related (CRG) barriers affect access to TB prevention, treatment, care and support services.

The CRG assessments will be conducted by civil society partners in in close collaboration with multi-stakeholder teams and will be supported by a team of international experts. During the workshop, civil society organizations were familiarized with the CRG assessment approach and practical tools that have been developed by the Stop TB Partnership; each country team developed an action plan for adapting and implementing the tools within their country. Being equipped with detailed guidance on the CRG assessment approach and process, CSOs will conduct country-level work in the next 5-6 months. Generated results will help countries to design interventions to remove the identified barriers and advance to a more people-centered, human rights-based and gender-sensitive TB response and ensure that TB services reach population groups currently being missed.

Civil society organizations that will implement CRG assessments in countries are the following:

  • Georgia - New Vector
  • Kazakhstan - Kazakh union of people living with HIV
  • Tajikistan - Gender & Development
  • Uzbekistan - Ishonch va Hayot

In the next phase, based on the CRG assessment results, the TB-REP 2.0 grant will further support countries to update their national case finding strategies by applying gender-sensitive and rights-based approaches. This should contribute to the aim to find more TB patients in an earlier stage of the disease and improve treatment outcomes.

The full workshop report can be accessed here.

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