
Centrul pentru politici și analize în sănătate

TB-REP 2.0: Promovarea îngrijirii de calitate TB centrate pe necesitățile persoanelor - de la noul model de îngrijire spre îmbunătățirea detectării precoce a TB-DR și a rezultatelor tratamentului

Religious communities in Tajikistan are now actively engaged in the de ..

20.04.2018 10:23:42

Last year, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed in Tajikistan between the Committee on Religious Affairs, Regulation of National Traditions, Celeb ..

Performances of the Forum Theater raise the level of TB awareness and ..

19.03.2018 09:18:18

During 9 months, from June 2017 to February 2018, project partner in Belarus – Public Association “Defeat Tuberculosis Together” – assessed the impact ..

The Best Outpatient Sites Providing TB Care in Georgia Selected

13.03.2018 09:35:01

Willingness of the primary health care facilities to provide quality services to people with tuberculosis is the key to successful implementation of t ..

Parliamentary hearing on tuberculosis was held in Tajikistan

05.03.2018 12:33:46

On February 27, 2018 parliamentary hearing on tuberculosis was held in Tajikistan. Members of the Parliament, representatives of Ministry of Health an ..

Учебный визит в Армению: импульс для дальнейшего реформирования ТБ слу ..

23.01.2018 13:13:53

Одно из ведущих направлений проекта TB-REP и один из принципов его реализации – проведение мероприятий объединяющих усилия стран-участниц проекта в ра ..

Patient organizations are actively involved into fight against tubercu ..

15.12.2017 12:47:03

The Georgia Family Medicine Association (GFMA) works on strengthening the quality of primary care services in the country for more than 10 years and s ..

Модель противотуберкулезной помощи, ориентированной на нужды людей, ст ..

06.12.2017 15:25:31

Два дня – 30 июня и 1 июля – в кишиневском Дворце Республики представители стран, участвующих в региональном проекте по укреплению систем здравоохран ..

The role of civil society in providing people–centred care was discuss ..

01.12.2017 13:02:21

The Union World Conference on Lung Health (organized by the International Union against Lung Disease and Tuberculosis) is the world’s largest gatherin ..

In Belarus attendance of the forum theater performance allowed raising ..

05.09.2017 11:18:47

One of the tasks of the TB-REP project is raising the awareness of different groups of people about tuberculosis (TB), in particular about the possibi ..

Success story Social video as an effective tool for informing about th ..

28.08.2017 11:13:40

Nowadays, majority of people, and especially youth, prefer getting information and daily news through the Internet. Today very few people like to read ..

Усиление потенциала социальных работников местных общин в оказании про ..

13.06.2017 11:56:14

В соответствии со Стратегией «Положить конец туберкулёзу», в которой подчеркивается необходимость особого ухода и социальной защиты больных туберкулез ..

Cooperation of the civil society with the WHO Country Office is a key ..

13.06.2017 11:20:14

Along with the low level of public awareness in the area of tuberculosis, stigma and discrimination against people with TB in the society, low adheren ..