
Centrul pentru politici și analize în sănătate

TB-REP 2.0: Promovarea îngrijirii de calitate TB centrate pe necesitățile persoanelor - de la noul model de îngrijire spre îmbunătățirea detectării precoce a TB-DR și a rezultatelor tratamentului

High level mission of health system strengthening for effective TB and DR-TB prevention and care in Belarus

High level mission of health system strengthening for effective TB and DR-TB prevention and care in Belarus

27.07.2016 11:47

The Director of the Division of Health Systems and Public Health at WHO Regional Office for Europe, Dr. Hans Kluge conducted a high-level mission to Belarus on July 11-14, 2016. One of mission's objectives was to promoting at high level activities of the TB Regional Eastern and Central Asian (EECA) Project on Strengthening health systems for Effective TB and Drug-Resistant TB control (TB-REP).

Dr. Kluge met with the Minister of Health Dr. Vasily Zharko to discuss new models of TB care and their alignment with a financing mechanism that foster ‪ambulatory community-based, agreeing on the importance to incentivize nurses for home ‪directly observed treatment and adequate social support.  Dr Kluge underscored the significant progress made by Belarus in reforming TB service delivery models and the opportunity to use the current momentum to expand the process on implementation of TB people-centered care

During the meeting with the acting Minister of Finance, Mr. Maxim Ermalovich welcomed the initiative of TB-REP and expressed commitment to support the needed reforms and country efforts.

Other visits included the Republican Scientific and Practical Centre for Pulmonology and Tuberculosis and met with the NTP Manager, professor Henarz Hurevich. as well as visits to polyclinic and rural primary health facility. Dr Kluge has had the chance to see an innovative pilot site of video-observed TB treatment, allowing young girls to continue their study, avoiding stigma and improving efficiency.
