
Center For Health Policies and Studies

TB-REP 2.0: Advancing People-Centered Quality TB Care - From the New Model of Care Towards Improving DR-TB Early Detection and Treatment Outcomes

The fourth WHO Barcelona course on Health Systems Strengthening for Improved TB Prevention and Care took place from November 26th-29th, 2019.

The fourth WHO Barcelona course on Health Systems Strengthening for Improved TB Prevention and Care took place from November 26th-29th, 2019.

11/30/2019 10:57 AM

The WHO Regional Office for Europe and PAS Center offered this 4-day training program through the WHO Barcelona Office for Health Systems Strengthening of the Division of Health Systems and Public Health in collaboration with the Division of Health Emergencies and Communicable Diseases. The course was specially adapted for TB-REP 2.0 with the aim to support transformation of how TB services are financed and delivered in the European region.

39 participants ranging from decision makers to senior officials, high-level health system administrators from Ministries of Health and Finance, Managers of National TB Programs, health insurance funds and service delivery organizations, as well as experts and leaders who are playing key roles in the implementation of health system reforms related to TB prevention and care, gathered in Barcelona to partake in the training. There was representation from all 11 countries of the TB-REP 2.0 program.

Led by a team of global leaders in health systems strengthening, the course covered a wide range of health system functions from service delivery through financing to governance including change management. The approach of the course was an integrative, whole-system framework with emphasis on system diagnostics and alignment of policy tools.

The packed schedule consisted of 5 modules with presentations, case studies and group work related to understanding health systems and how to design a new model of TB care based on a patient-centered approach.

Professor Rifat Atun from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health kicked off the first module on Analyzing and diagnosing health system performance with an analysis framework to understand healthcare systems.

The second module dove into People-Centred Model of TB Care. The sessions ran through the general guiding principles of how the patient-centered approach looks in service and delivery and included an in-depth country case study from Belarus presented by WHO representatives Ihor Perehinets of Health Systems Governance and Martin van den Boom of the Joint TB HIV/AIDS and hepatitis program.

Module three took a closer look at health system financing. Tamás Evetovits, Head of WHO Barcelona Office for Health Systems Strengthening and Health Financing Expert Triin Habicht sharing case studies from Estonia and Moldova.

The fourth module broke down the nuts and bolts of governance and management of change in health systems with a closer look at the planning and implementation of roadmaps. The participants were shown a case studies looking at results-based management in Romania and design of new model of TB care and purchasing of TB services in Kyrgyzstan.

Each day closed with a final session devoted to country-based group work. Participants spent this time working on posters to perfect the diagnostic exercise, design a new model of TB care, and design the financing and governance reforms of TB care in their respective countries. The course culminated in a poster viewing and recognition of the best models that were designed.

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