
Center For Health Policies and Studies

TB-REP 2.0: Advancing People-Centered Quality TB Care - From the New Model of Care Towards Improving DR-TB Early Detection and Treatment Outcomes

Project in action

Project in action

10/31/2019 1:13 PM

We continue to tell about the course of implementation of advocacy projects aimed at bridging the gap between civil society and healthcare services in order to provide qualitaty people-centred TB care. Information from Tajikistan, organization Stop TB Partnership, Tajikistan,Unite to end TBproject:

  • The Executive Director of the organization, who is also the Director of the “Unite to end TB” project, Safarali Naimov and his colleagues responsible for the project implementation, met with the Director of Republican Center of Protection of Population from Tuberculosis (and at the same time the head of the NTP of Tajikistan) Dr. Aslidin Rajabzoda and his Deputy Dr. Bobojon Sharipov to inform them on the start of the project supported by TB-REP 2.0 and to coordinate further actions. Following the recommendation of colleagues, “Stop TB Partnership, Tajikistan” representatives prepared additional documents necessary for the official registration of the project at the Republican Centre, after which the letter agreed with all the governing organizations and the project implementation work-plan were sent to all members of the “Stop TB Partnership, Tajikistan” and interested organizations. 

  • In accordance with the project implementation work-plan, the organization - recipient of TB-REP 2.0 grant selected an expert who will develop an effective model of social contracting mechanism for the provision of TB care. The expert will present the results of his work at a national level working meeting with the representatives of civil society organizations, NTP and partners, scheduled for the beginning of the next quarter.
  • Preparatory work was carried out to produce a short video, the purpose of which is to show the role of civil society organizations and the private sector in improving the quality of TB care and strengthening TB control in the republic: a video script was developed and discussed with all interested parties, an agency for shooting was selected and the scenes were shot. The video is being edited and its first version will be presented to the working group of the “Stop TB Partnership, Tajikistan” in the next quarter.
  • The “Patients' Charter for Tuberculosis Care” was translated into Tajik language and preparatory work on its replication and distribution was carried out.

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