
Center For Health Policies and Studies

TB-REP 2.0: Advancing People-Centered Quality TB Care - From the New Model of Care Towards Improving DR-TB Early Detection and Treatment Outcomes

PAS Center Launches the TB-REP 2.0 E-RESOURCES Platform

PAS Center Launches the TB-REP 2.0 E-RESOURCES Platform

1/26/2021 5:09 PM

At the beginning of 2021, the PAS Center launched a new information and resource platform -  TB-REP 2.0 E-RESOURCES: (E-Resources).

“We conceived the creation of the platform at the beginning of 2020. Even at that time, we understood what a significant amount of practical materials and resources would be created together with the partners of the TB-REP 2.0 regional project. For the convenience of their use and for improving the exchange of knowledge and experience in the EECA region, it was decided to develop a single resource center - TB-REP 2.0 Electronic resources,” said Liliana Caraulan, the Center for Health Policies and Studies. “We have big plans for the development of the platform in 2021, we intend to upload new useful materials for training and extending knowledge about the latest approaches in providing people-centered quality TB care.”

The content of the platform will be useful for experts of the national TB programs, representatives of civil society, specialists in the field of access to TB treatment and CRG, human rights defenders and representatives of TB affected communities.

The platform provides an open access to the resources and tools of the regional and national partners of the PAS Center, developed under the TB in Eastern Europe and Central Asia Project on Advancing People-Centered Quality TB Care – From the New Model of Care Towards Improving DR-TB Early Detection and Treatment Outcomes (TB-REP 2.0) to:

  • build and consolidate the capacity of TB community and Civil Society Organizations;
  • provide a space for Intercountry Practitioners Network to foster rapid exchange of knowledge and practical expertise;
  • provide a space for the Medical Consilium on RR/MDR-TB;
  • give an overview of TB-REP regional and country level progress update and plans and share the calendar of key regional and country level events;
  • make available the webinars, virtual meetings and publications produced by TB-REP regional and national partners. 

The E-RESOURCES TB-REP 2.0 includes 7 components:

  • TeachMeTB - an e-learning platform developed by TB People in collaboration with PAS Center for capacity building of community groups and civil society actors working on TB advocacy and service delivery. 
  • Intercountry Practitioners Network – a space for countries practitioners to foster rapid exchange of knowledge and practical expertise on aDSM, regulatory and procurement aspects related to ensuring affordable, quality and sustainable access to TB medicines. 
  • E-Consilium - a joint space with WHO EURO or the Virtual Medical Consilium on RR/MDR-TB and TB clinicians on implementation of the all-oral Shorter Treatment Regimen for RR/MDR-TB, latest guidelines on latent TB, management of TB/DR-TB complicated clinical cases. 
  • TB-REP overview MAP – an interactive map that provides the status of TB-REP key interventions at regional level and separate for each TB-REP country - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.
  • Calendar – a calendar that presents TB-REP regional and national level partners meeting, trainings, webinars and advocacy activities.
  • Webinars – a space that brings together all webinars, virtual meeting, registered face to face or online interventions of TB-REP regional and national partners.
  • Publications – a space that brings together the documents developed by TB-REP regional and national partners.

Both “Webinars” and “Publication” sections are linking the user to each resource developer website for more information on the partner and its activities.  

Some sections of the platform are under development and will be available for access in the nearest future.

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