
Center For Health Policies and Studies

TB-REP 2.0: Advancing People-Centered Quality TB Care - From the New Model of Care Towards Improving DR-TB Early Detection and Treatment Outcomes

AFEW Kyrgyzstan and the "Community against Tuberculosis" in Kyrgyzstan

AFEW Kyrgyzstan and the "Community against Tuberculosis" in Kyrgyzstan

9/23/2020 11:07 AM

AFEW Kyrgyzstan team continue their activity in fighting tuberculosis in the country, implementing the project "Community against Tuberculosis" with the support of PAS Center within the TB REP 2.0 framework.

"In our country, every citizen should know about socially significant diseases as much as possible, which iswhy we recommend downloading OneImpact Kyrgyzstan to your phone!" - said the organization representatives. The main activity focus of AFEW Kyrgyzstan is to implement an electronic monitoring application with the help of Onelmpact community and popularize its use among people receiving TB treatment. This is done to improve adherence to treatment of people with TB in Bishkek and Chui oblast.

The application was launched in Kyrgyzstan in August and trainings are currently carried out at medical institutions.

Thus, information events aimed at familiarizing health workers, people with TB and their relatives with OneImpact opportunities began with consultations at the TB city center.

"We try to tell each client of the TB service about completely new possibilities offered by the application and provide them with consultation on each section. We share detailed information about technical parameters and interesting facts about OneImpact  Kyrgyzstan with doctors," AFEW Kyrgyzstan says.

Also, training for case managers has already been implemented in the Chui TB regional center.

"The main task of our managers is not only to constantly help people affected by TB, but also to respond to all requests from users of the OneImpact Kyrgyzstan application," the organization representative stressed.

Moreover, in the period from September 21 to 25 the AFEW Kyrgyzstan team plans to visit the Zhayil district of the Chui oblast to organize information events:

  • Family medicine center
  • TB office
  • Republican TB hospital.

Consultations are held for both doctors and patients at each medical institutions. At the end of the trainings, participants download the application and register with OneImpact Kyrgyzstan for further interaction and support at all stages of TB treatment.

In addition, all data obtained using OneImpact will be analyzed and sent in the form of recommendations to the NTP. The main function of the recommendations is to influence the implementation of corrective measures to improve TB care services and increase adherence to treatment in Kyrgyzstan, as well as to advocate for high-quality modern approaches to TB prevention, diagnosis and treatment with the involvement of communities

Download the application from the AppStore and Play Market.

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