
Center For Health Policies and Studies

Кива Смит: Кива Смит, Stop TB Partnership: пакет поддерживающих услуг дает возможность заполнить пробелы в противодействии ТБ

Caoimhe Smyth: Caoimhe Smyth, Stop TB Partnership: the package of community-based support services provides an opportunity to fill the gaps in the TB response

11/6/2021 1:22 PM
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At the end of October, the “Standardized Package of Community-Based Support Services to Improve TB Outcomes” was presented, PAS Center thanks all international partners who supported the launch, were directly involved in the review and presentation of the document, and expressed readiness to further follow this direction.

At the online meeting, Caoimhe Smyth, CRG Program Manager in the CCS4i team at @Stop TB Partnership highlighted the importance of tackling the determinants of health that have a particular impact on population needs and access to TB treatment and support services in the EECA region. “Improving TB Outcomes in legitimate and enduring ways, to end tuberculosis (TB), will depend on understanding the causes and results of health inequities and tackling them. The evidence generated by the community, rights and gender assessments conducted in the EECA region,  highlighted that the drivers of these inequities reside in the social, economic and the political environments, which have a particular impact on the vulnerability of populations and their ability to access TB care and support services,” says Caoimhe Smyth.

Therefore raising awareness, mental health and psychological counselling and support, social and rehabilitation support, material support are among the key support interventions required to end TB. This package of community-based support services to improve TB outcomes therefore provides an opportunity to fill these gaps in the TB response, as we have heard from Belarus, Georgia and Moldova, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, and Tajikistan.

“In Stop TB Partnership we view this package of support as part of the needed Community, rights and gender armor and technical support that countries need. At the Stop TB Partnership we are committed to the CRG agenda and to concretely supporting country and community CRG efforts.  We look forward to continuing our support to TB Europe Coalition and several community-based and civil society organizations from the EECA region this and next year and to supporting future country proposals from the EECA region that will implement this package of support.” stated Stop TB Partnership Program Manager.

Also, Caoimhe Smyth congratulated @Centrul PAS, @WHO Regional Office for Europe, @TB Europe Coalition, the entire @TB REP 2.0 team and all those who have contributed to the important development and customization of the package, with the support of @ The Global Fund.

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