
Center For Health Policies and Studies

Центр PAS был отобран в качестве провайдера технической помощи Глобального фонда 2021-2023 на глобальном уровне

PAS Center has been selected as technical assistance provider of the Global Fund for 2021-2023 at the global level

3/2/2021 12:14 PM
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The Global Fund's Community, Rights and Gender Technical Assistance Program (CRG TA Program) started its new phase of the implementation as a part of the Global Fund's CRG Strategic Initiative (CRG SI).

At the beginning of the current year, the CRG Department of the Global Fund Secretariat updated the list  of technical assistance (TA) providers under the program for the 2021-2023 implementation period. Center for Health Policies and Studies (PAS Center) was also included in the list of 26 civil society and key populations networks and organizations pre-qualified as providers of CRG technical assistance.

CRG SI provides short-term technical assistance focused on human rights, gender issues, community responses, community systems strengthening and related areas to strengthen civil society and community participation in the grant cycle and strengthen the role of the community in the process related to the Global Fund.

All TA providers were selected through an open and competitive tender process, confirming relevant experience and expertise in the field of human rights, gender issues and community systems strengthening. Further on, technical assistance providers for each specific request will be selected according to the specific requirements of the respective technical assistance request and based on their technical and regional knowledge, language, availability, and ability to identify national and regional community experts and facilitate the transfer of their skills and expertise as well as value for money factor.

The CRG technical assistance request form has also been updated and there is an opportunity to get acquainted with an example of a high quality request.

Thus, CRG technical assistance in 2021-2023 is available in three main areas of work:

   -  Situational analysis and needs assessment

  • CRG-related assessments to generate strategic information for better decision making
  • Program reviews to ensure community perspectives inform service delivery improvements

   -  Engagement in country dialogue processes

  • Community consultations to inform priorities for inclusion in national policies, guidelines, plans and programs
  • Coordinated input key Global Fund-related documents
  • Engagement planning to strengthen participation of community in the Global Fund processes
  • Caucusing and collective strategizing for coordinated community-led advocacy

   -  Supporting design and implementation arrangements

  • Mapping of civil society and community organizations and activities to strengthen community systems
  • Refining or validating tools that support community engagement in Global Fund-related processes
  • Workshop to strengthen knowledge of civil society and community groups on the Global Fund

For more information, see CRG Technical Assistance Guidance.

It is also important to take into account that CRG Technical Assistance does not support:

  • CCM strengthening (e.g. training of CCM members in their roles and responsibilities);
  • Long-term capacity development of civil society networks and organizations (e.g. organizational development, support to become a Global Fund recipient);
  • Development of stand-alone tools that lack a focus on community engagement;
  • Funding request writing.

The short-term nature of the technical assistance stipulates that experts can be engaged for a period not exceeding 30 days within three months.

All relevant information about this TA program can be found on the Global Fund website page:

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