
Center For Health Policies and Studies

Tratamentul tuberculozei susținut video – o soluție inovativă în sistemul medical din Moldova

Video supported treatment of tuberculosis - an innovative solution for the Moldavian health system

2/5/2021 11:41 AM
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The video supported treatment of tuberculosis (VST) is not only a solution during the COVID-19 pandemic, but also a tool that ensures a people centered model of TB care delivery. The heroine of our video successfully completed the treatment course with the help of this mechanism. Find out more by watching the video !!

This video has been developed within „Joining efforts for an acceptable TB people-centered care” as part of EECA regional programme TB-REP 2.0, financed from Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, implemented by PAS Center as principal recipient and its grantee Moldova National Association of Tuberculosis Patients “SMIT”. Translation to English is ensured within “People centered TB care in Moldova: scaling up digital treatment adherence approach” project, supported by the Stop TB Partnership’s TB REACH initiative, funded by the Government of Canada and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, implemented by Center for Health Policies and Studies (PAS Center) in partnership with National TB Control Programme and AO AFI.

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