
Center For Health Policies and Studies

TB-REP 2.0: Advancing People-Centered Quality TB Care - From the New Model of Care Towards Improving DR-TB Early Detection and Treatment Outcomes

National coordinator of the TB-REP project and the civil society partner discussed the prospects for cooperation

National coordinator of the TB-REP project and the civil society partner discussed the prospects for cooperation

4/27/2017 12:48 PM

On January 19, 2017, a meeting between the National TB-REP projectcoordinator, Head of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Department of the Public Health Ministry, Viktor Gasimov and the civil society TB-REP project partner, head of «Saglamliga Khidmat» Public Association, Elchin Mukhtarli has taken place. The meeting was also attended by the Deputy-head of the Pulmonology Institute, lead manager of the National program for TB control, Dr. Irada Akhundova.

One of the important issues of the TB-REP project which is implemented in 11 countries of the Eastern Europe and Central Asia is consolidation of efforts of state and civil society to implement more effective and patient-oriented ways of rendering the TB services. Concerted efforts and collaboration between different stakeholders of the TB-REP project, specifically – national coordinators and civil society representatives, including patients – plays an important role for achieving positive results of the project. Personal meetings with the participation of the project partners responsible for the components of its activity allow to reach better understanding and coordination.

Thus, during the meeting with the National TB coordinator, Viktor Gasimov, Elchin Mukhtarli gave a short overview of the events, performed under his leadership. In particular:

-        Production of educational videos about prevention of TB, diagnosis and treatment, supporting the outpatient model of care;

-        Conducting a knowledge, attitude and practice study (KAP study) among public health case workers and members of patient communities to identify needs and barriers for switching to an outpatient model of TB care in Azerbaijan;

-        Plans for presenting the results of this study to the national TB-REP working group and organizing a conference on the results of the survey;

-        Training for civil society organizations and patients groups, who are mainly members of the Azerbaijan Coalition for the Advocacy of TB and the development of NGOs capacity to work in the field of TB.

For his part, Mr. Gasimov noted that he knew about the significant work of non-governmental organizations, but he expects even greater efforts on the part of the public towards tuberculosis prevention, treatment and care. He stressed that tuberculosis is curable, and combining efforts with non-governmental organizations and tuberculosis-affected communities is a key factor for success in fighting the disease.

Introduction of models of patients-oriented TB treatment is an important step in establishing control over the disease. This activity is a priority in the cooperation between the National TB-REP project coordinator and civil society partner of the project.

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