
Center For Health Policies and Studies

This material is published within the project "Health Monitor for good governance in the Republic of Moldova" implemented by the Center for Health Policies and Studies (PAS Center) with the financial support of the Soros Foundation-Moldova /Public Health Department. The views presented are not necessarily shared by the Soros Foundation-Moldova. 

The Patient Exit Survey: 2019 results presents the results of two surveys carried out within one year of each other in 55 hospitals in the Republic of Moldova. The main purpose of the survey is to measure the degree of satisfaction of the hospitalized patients in a comparable and objective way for each public hospital in the country. The survey was conducted within the project " Implementing Participatory Social Accountability for Better Health”, implemented by the Center for Health Policy and Analysis (PAS Center) in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection, with the financial support of the World Bank / Global Partnership for Social Responsibility.

The Patient Exit Survey: 2018 results is the first of its kind in the health field in the Republic of Moldova and was conducted within the project " Implementing Participatory Social Accountability for Better Health”, implemented by the Center for Health Policy and Analysis (PAS Center) in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection, with the financial support of the World Bank / Global Partnership for Social Responsibility.

The main purpose of the survey was to measure the satisfaction of the hospitalized patients in a comparable and objective way for 55 public health-care institutions in the country and to give a general score to the hospital. Also, the survey measures the satisfaction of patients regarding the quality of interaction and communication with doctors and medical staff, participation in decision-making and training on post-discharge behavior, opinion on the conditions of hospitalization, as well as evaluation of suggestions made by outpatients regarding aspects that need improvement in hospitals.

This is the electronic calculation tool for planning inpatient care capacities based on disease resistance profile. The explanations on its use are presented in Annex 2 (page 38) of the People Centered Model of TB Care: Blueprint for EECA Countries. The bed forecasting tool sets out the instructions for following these suggested actions and example results.  It contains 18 steps, divided into two stages. A number of brief explanatory notes are also included.

The Center for Health Policies and Studies provided data analysis and developed the report of the 2012 Access to Health Services Survey (2012 AHSS) desk review and qualitative research. 2012 AHSS was carried out as part of Moldova Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) in 2012 by the National Centre of Public Health of the Ministry of Health, with support from the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and in collaboration with the National Bureau of Statistics, the Scientific Research Institute of Mother and Child Health Care, the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family, the Ministry of Education, the National Centre for Health Management, and the National Centre for Reproductive Health and Medical Genetics. The Center for Health Policies and Studies provided data analysis and developed the report of 2012 AHSS. Financial and technical support was provided by UNICEF, with direct contribution of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.