
Центр политики и исследований в здравоохранении

EECA Country Share of Global UNHLM targets

EECA Country Share of Global UNHLM targets

23.02.2024 9:56
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The TB Political Declaration outlines ambitious targets that, from 2023 to 2027, aim to make significant progress towards ending TB:

  • Treatment for up to 45 million individuals with TB
  • Treatment for 4.5 million children with TB
  • Treatment for up to 1.5 million individuals with drug-resistant TB
  • Preventive treatment for TB reaching up to 45 million people (including 30 million household contacts and 15 million individuals living with HIV).

However, achieving these targets on a global scale necessitates each country fulfilling its designated share of these goals. In aiding countries to plan and attain their specific share of the global targets, the Stop TB Partnership, in collaboration with partners, has disaggregated (broken down) these global targets by country and year.

The suggested country targets are indicative and were developed in two steps. In the first step the targets were developed using dynamic transmission modelling with a similar approach as was used for the Global Plan to End TB 2023-2030. Model projections of TB incidence and notifications were based on WHO incidence estimates up to 2022, country TB notifications up to 2022, rapid scale up of TB diagnosis, treatment and prevention applied to the model similar to what was done in the Global Plan for the period 2023-2030, and the impact of such scale up on future TB incidence.

In the second step the model derived TB notification targets were adjusted, particularly for high TB burden countries to align them with targets that may already be there in country national strategic plans.

Building on the Stop TB Partnership's country share of global UNHLM TB targets, the Center for Health Policies and Studies (PAS Center) developed an advocacy toolkit which provides indicative targets for each country, serving as a valuable resource for the advocacy efforts of partners operating within the countries of the EECA region.

This material has been developed within “Addressing CRG barriers through data-driven evidence and monitoring of the UN HLM 2023 targets” project, supported by the Stop TB Partnership’s Challenge Facility for Civil Society initiative, Round 11, implemented in EECA region by Center for Health Policies and Studies (PAS Center).

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