
Center For Health Policies and Studies

TB-REP 2.0: Advancing People-Centered Quality TB Care - From the New Model of Care Towards Improving DR-TB Early Detection and Treatment Outcomes

Seminar to Support Implementation of Community Based Monitoring in Ukraine with the help of the OneImpact Application

Seminar to Support Implementation of Community Based Monitoring in Ukraine with the help of the OneImpact Application

11/20/2019 3:52 PM

One of the key factors which contributes to achieving the main objective of the ТВ-REP 2.0 program – the complete centering of quality tuberculosis support on the needs of people — is the development of systems to monitor the quality of treatment services and case management of people with TB. For this, it is critical to involve as many members of the TB patient community and civil society in general as possible in the activities.  Development and implementation of tools and mechanisms to help them quickly accumulate and process the necessary information at different levels are vital to this. The mobile application OneImpact, was developed by the Stop TB Partnership to do just this.

Launched in Ukraine in April 2019, OneImpact facilitates collection of information about the barriers that patients with TB face in seeking out medical care and reaction to the problems practically in real time. With support from the Stop TB Partnership, the pilot project was introduced in the city of Cherkassy.

Soon after, TB People Ukraine, the organization which initiated the implementation of OneImpact, decided to expand this application to 24 regions of the country. The ТВ-REP 2.0 program endorsed this idea. In November of this year, the Stop TB Partnership and PAS Center helped conduct a three-day seminar in Kiev on expanding community based monitoring  in Ukraine with the use of the OneImpact application.

The seminar organizers set the following aims:

  1. Present and analyze information about the implementation of community-led monitoring in Cherkassy and other regions.
  2. Present and analyze information about working on the digital platform OneImpact.
  3. Interest parties engaged in TB control to use OneImpact.

A central part of the seminar’s program was devoted to presentations by representatives of the Stop TB Partnership, TB People Ukraine and the PAS Center team to address these aims.

The Stop TB Partnership explained about community based monitoring: what it is, how it is conducted in different countries, what data is used to capture barriers patients with TB are faced with, and how they are supported to overcome them.

The TB People Ukraine team shared about their experience with such monitoring using Ukrainian materials.

The PAS Center team presented on how community based monitoring will be carried out in three other EECA region countries (Azerbaijan, Belarus, and Kyrgyzstan). The the TB-REP 2.0 program will support this work with the intention of improving quality of TB care and strengthen the control of TB overall.

A significant amount of time was devoted to discussing the OneImpact application. The participants considered how to improve the platform and how to teach beneficiaries and potentially interested entities to work with it.

In conclusion, the participants discussed what technical support might be needed in the future to expand community based monitoring in Ukraine.

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