
Center For Health Policies and Studies

TB-REP 2.0: Advancing People-Centered Quality TB Care - From the New Model of Care Towards Improving DR-TB Early Detection and Treatment Outcomes

TB-REP project is mentioned in the annual report of the WHO "Global Tuberculosis Report, 2016" as one of the most significant for changes in TB control policy in EECA

TB-REP project is mentioned in the annual report of the WHO "Global Tuberculosis Report, 2016" as one of the most significant for changes in TB control policy in EECA

10/21/2016 2:59 PM

On October 13, 2016, WHO presented the annual publication Global Tuberculosis Report, 2016. Data on TB incidence in the world, presented in the report, evidence that countries need to substantially step up the efforts to prevent, detect and treat the disease, in order to achieve global goals to end TB. In this regard, a significant role in the report is the analysis of activities and projects implemented in various countries to provide political support and increased funding of TB control programs. In particular, in the section "Reforming systems to expand people-centred outpatient care in high MDR-TB burden countries in Europe", it notes that the Centre for Health Policies and Studies (PAS Centre) in collaboration with the WHO regional Office for Europe (WHO EURO) initiated a regional project for the 11 EECA countries, the main purpose being to accelerate the reform of health systems in these countries in order to change the existing approaches for TB diagnostic and treatment and, in particular, to reduce the level of hospitalization of patients with TB and the length of their stay in a hospitals. The project interventions are focused on the analysis of the current situation in TB services, as well as of the legislative and regulatory documents in the field of TB control; implementation of the most successful models of care for TB patients; conducting a wide range of advocacy activities. The countries included in the project will receive technical assistance from a number of well-known in the field international organizations and institutions, such as the TB Europe Coalition, the European Respiratory Society, London School of Economics and Political Science, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the Stop TB Partnership and the Alliance for Public Health Ukraine. The TB-REP project is funded by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

Read full report here

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