
Center For Health Policies and Studies

Project in action

Project in action

10/10/2019 2:24 PM
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Less than six months have passed since the contracts with the winners of the small grants program within TB-REP 2.0 project have been signed, still the very first reports received from them indicate that the organizations that submitted the applications took their obligations seriously enough and started their implementation almost immediately, without paying attention to the summer heat and the period of traditional leaves. The following has been implemented over the past few months by two of the organizations implementing projects on advocacy to bridge the gap between civil society and the health services to ensure quality people-centered TB care.

Moldova, National Association of Tuberculosis Patients (SMIT), project “Joining efforts for an acceptable TB people-centered care”

  • There was held a round table with representatives of the NTP, the medical community and civil society organizations, during which the project for the implementation of which SMIT won a grant within TB-REP 2.0 was presented. This allowed to establish working contacts with specialists, without participation of which successful implementation of the project is impossible.
  • 2 articles were published in the newspaper of Floresti district, one of the districts where SMIT implements the project. More than 2,500 newspaper subscribers received explanations of experts that TB patients who regularly receive treatment do not pose a danger to others and need psychosocial support to maintain adherence to treatment.
  • Three “health corners” were opened in the district libraries (Floresti, Soroca, Comrat), so library visitors can get acquainted with information materials on TB, watch short films offering basic information about tuberculosis in an accessible form. The opening of the “corners” was accompanied by information sessions for social and medical workers on an outpatient tuberculosis treatment model.
  • Preparations have been made for shooting video stories of patients that are supposed to be used during advocacy events - patients who have expressed a desire to openly share their experience were identified.

Armenia, «Positive People Armenian Network» (PPAN), project “TB out of barriers”

  • A meeting with the head of the NTP of Armenia was held and a Memorandum of Understanding was signed - a document that will become the basis for cooperation between the PPAN and the country's TB care services.
  • with the project “TB out of barriers: was presented to the members of Standing Committee on Health Care and Social Affairs. Thus, the cooperation with the parliamentary committee was launched.
  • There were organized 2 meetings with representatives of the community affected by tuberculosis, which were attended by 40 patients and their families. There were discussed issues concerning adherence to treatment and the reasons leading to its interruption.
  • There was conducted 31 visit within the framework of public monitoring of the quality of provided TB care. Due to this, it was possible to solve the problems of patients that impede the successful finalization of treatment. 11 patients were returned to treatment. Overall, from the beginning of the project implementation, the PPAN representatives provided assistance to 406 patients, including 207 patients that receive hospital care and 199 patients receiving outpatient care.
  • Preparatory activities to conduct the study needed for further development of a package of legislative materials on the social contracting of civil society organizations for the provision of TB care services.

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